Vivo is stepping into the mixed reality (MR) arena with plans to unveil its first headset next year, adding its name to the growing list of tech giants venturing into this futuristic wearable segment. The announcement, reportedly made during an event on Tuesday, hints at fierce competition with established players like Apple’s Vision Pro and Samsung’s highly anticipated Project Moohan, unveiled earlier this month. While the finer details remain under wraps, Vivo’s first MR headset prototype is expected to make its debut in the latter half of 2025.
What We Know So Far?
The buzz around Vivo’s MR headset stems from a post shared by renowned tipster Digital Chat Station on the Chinese social media platform Weibo. According to the post, Vivo’s device will bear similarities to Apple’s Vision Pro but is rumoured to push the boundaries further with innovative features. The first prototype is expected to roll out in September 2025, with “high-fidelity prototype experiences” planned across major cities in China by the end of the year.
Despite this exciting glimpse into the future, specifics about the official launch date remain elusive. According to a report from Innogyan, a Vivo executive has stated that the device’s launch will hinge on the readiness of the supporting content ecosystem, signalling a cautious but strategic approach to entering the MR market.
This development builds on earlier confirmation from Vivo during the Vivo Imaging Conference held in July. At the event, Yu Meng, Vivo’s Vice President of Imaging, emphasized the company’s vision for MR technology and reaffirmed the 2025 launch timeline.
Google’s Role in the XR Revolution
As Vivo prepares to make waves in the MR space, Google has unveiled its own significant development – a new operating system tailored for extended reality (XR) devices. Dubbed Android XR OS, this platform is set to power augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and MR devices.
The OS leverages AI-driven features, including the Gemini AI assistant, which allows users to interact seamlessly with their environment, providing insights on objects and locations in real-time. It also integrates the “Circle to Search” feature, enabling visual lookups with a simple gesture. The developer preview of Android XR is already available, paving the way for a new generation of XR apps and games. With Vivo’s upcoming MR headset and Google’s robust XR ecosystem, 2025 is shaping up to be a pivotal year for the evolution of mixed reality.