The divorce of Elon Musk and technology is not possible. It is not easy to stop such a man. And, now this man has announced that he wants to bring a humanoid robot. This announcement is no less than a leap giant after excelling in the electric vehicle and satellite communication domain. The declaration seems to be a bit utopian for many. However, the sense of ‘but’ always comes. Let’s know more about this development. Take a sneak into this Exhibit blog.
How did this news come out?
In the latest Tesla AI event, Elon Musk presented the prototype of a humanoid robot. This robot can help people like you in your boring, repetitive, or dangerous tasks. With this, Elon Musk showed a PowerPoint presentation to showcase the functionalities of this bot. This humanoid robot is precisely a dancer. The height of this bot is 5 feet and 8 inches (somewhere around 1.7m), whereas its weight is 56 kg.
How does a humanoid robot work?
A bot has to be a proper mesh of hardware and software. It’s true. On the hardware front, you will need sensors, actuators, and other essential instruments to replace almost every crucial function of a normal human being (obviously, there will be no digestive system). On the software front, the codes must have a proper arrangement through which they can perform their niche smoothly. The software helps send signals between the master controller and that hardware equipment to work accordingly.
Applications of Robot
Trust me, but robots will gain their outreach in the future. You talk about any domain, and you will find them in the next few years. Especially in European countries, you may find that these robots are working in agricultural fields. Or if your relative who is physically challenged can get proper assistance in doing daily activities. The Tokyo Olympics has already paved the path of what a robot, along with technology, can do. Hence, the usage of robots will be countless for sure.
Final Remarks on the Tesla Bot
Bringing a proper humanoid robot with such a huge functionality within the next year is a bit difficult to digest. But is it possible to have such features in one bot? Honestly, as of now, from what we all have witnessed, it may be a bit of a tough task. Why? Check out the videos of robots used in the Olympics. You will know the reason. These robots have very limited errands, like translating a language is one of them. Hence, commenting on what Mr. Tusk is pretty looking like coming out in a virtual world.