Not Everything Chinese is a Virus

Well, the halt of Chinese products and the promotion of ‘Make in India’ was not just a hype after all. Looking at the current scenario, who would want to invest in Chinese businesses? We’d rather sustain our own economy right now. Since, China is very much the centre of attention for all the wrong reasons right now, we have another legit reason for you to say good bye to all things Chinese. These Chinese apps could be spreading a pandemic in your phone right now. Get rid of them, we suggest. It’s not only us but the government agrees too. 

Caution: There’s not five or ten of them. There’s a whopping 42 Chinese apps that could be spyware or malware. 

There are also some alarming and ironic facts that we will talk about but first let’s see which are the apps in your phone that need to go to trash right now.

  • Weibo (Time to say ‘We Go’)
  • WeChat (Time to sing We don’t Chat anymore)
  • SHAREIt (Shares more than you want it to)
  • UC News (gives your news to spies)
  • UC Browser (knows what’s happening in your house while you browse)
  • BeautyPlus (Minus privacy of course)
  • NewsDog (Don’t be the dog)
  • Viva Video (We ‘no’ video)
  • Parallel Space (And parallel spying)
  • APUS browser (Read again. It’s not ASUS) 
  • Perfect Corp (with imperfect intentions)
  • Virus Cleaner (more like virus installer?)
  • CM Browser (Chief Malware browser?)
  • Mi Community (Of spies!)
  • DU Recorder (Ewww Recorder)
  • Vault-Hide (Sensitive Details SHOW)
  • YouCam MakeUp (You CAN’T)
  • Mi Store (of Malware)
  • CacheClear DU Apps Studio (Cash clear?)
  • DU Battery Saver (Data drainer?)
  • DU Cleaner (Wiping out your private data!)
  • DU Privacy (not so private after all)
  • 360 security (against your info!)
  • DU Browser (click bait!)
  • Clean Master – Cheetah Mobile (Maybe, as fast as a Cheetah when it comes to compromising your data?)
  • Baidu translate (translating your data for cyber attacks)
  • Baidu Map (tracking all your moves)
  • Wonder Camera (makes you wonder where your info got leaked)
  • ES File Explorer (ES File Destroyer)
  • Photo Wonder (All those selfies aren’t private to you)
  • QQ International (International spies)
  • QQ Player (playing with your data)
  • QQ NewsFeed (feeding someone else with your news)
  • WeSync (Your data with our intentions)
  • QQ Security Centre (Securing Malware on your device)
  • SelfieCity (Selfish City?)
  • Mail Master (Malware Master)
  • QQ Launcher (Launching viruses on your phone)
  • Mi Video call (Your and everyone else’s video call is in trouble)

That’s a very long list there. These Chinese apps aren’t banned but it is advisable to delete them if you have installed them on your phone. If you haven’t, we have you reasons enough to not install them. 

Do you see a strange and ironic finding?

Most of these apps are anti-virus apps. It definitely makes you less suspicious of them. Who can imagine that an app that’s supposed to rid your phone of viruses will end up infecting it instead? Now that you know that these apps could be a threat, there shouldn’t be a doubt. 

The one that’s caught off guard in this controversial and factual news is Xiaomi. We all love Xiaomi and all its offerings to us but since this has instilled some amount of fear against the use of Mi apps, it could mean ‘crisis’ management time for Xiaomi. For those who trust the brand, continuation of use will be seen but it will be hard to instill the same trust in new buyers. Let’s see how Xiaomi handles the situation.

Another brand that everyone was shocked to see on the list is TrueCaller. However, before things got out of hand, Sweden based TrueCaller said in their defense: “In response to certain reports, we would like to clarify that we are a Sweden based company. We are not sure why the app is on this list, but we’re investigating. Truecaller is not a malware, and all our features are permission-based and are disabled by default.” This statement is believable because TrueCaller is a Swedish brand but it does make everyone wonder why it was on the list. 

As of now, there’s no concrete evidence or proof for the public at least. However, the government has listed these as threats and we must avoid the risk unless we want our phones to also be hit by a pandemic. Just saying. I mean it isn’t that important to take Selfies with a SelfieCity, right?

Touchless Technology Saves the Day

Since everything is revolving around Coronavirus, it’s treatment and the ‘new normal’, let’s think about what the world might look like if technology was to evolve too. I mean, if besides social distancing, we were to maintain a distance from gadgets too, yet operate them at the same time, how would it be?

While touchscreen technology has been around for more than a decade now, we can hardly imagine life without it. Touchscreen phones, tabs, laptops, everything. Since viruses (especially Coronavirus) and other microorganisms tend to live on surfaces, can we really control a breakout of the same by coming up with ‘touchless’ technology?

Fast-forward to 2025 and I’m leaving to buy some groceries. I simply wink at my car door to open it. A ‘wink and blink’ technology. Cool, quick and efficient. Isn’t it? I remember registering my eyelid for anti-theft certification. It was a long process and my eye did hurt but we have to be cautious. It is better to have my eye hurt than contract Coronavirus. Now I can be sure that neither will my car be stolen nor will I contract Coronavirus (at least not by touching the surface of my car). What a relief.

I am back home and it is time to check my phone. It is at my work desk and I only have to wave ‘hello’ to it for its screen to appear on my TV – the big screen experience! I feel super lazy for not even lifting my hand to touch the phone but that’s what all of this new Touchless technology is about! Besides, my hand already hurts from waving ‘hello’. And now that the display is on the big screen, I’d finish a few tasks and enter a Zoom call for my official meeting. Let’s go with checking my social media accounts first. To enter my Instagram account, I simply make a ‘duck face’, for TikTok I need to make an exaggerated dance move and for Twitter, I need to speak a strong opinion for a ’cause’. Touchless technology is that simple! Crazy, isn’t it? For the Zoom call thereafter, I simply make an ‘It’s Monday again’ face and there we go. I’m beginning to think that why wasn’t Touchless technology always a way of life?

The whole of my face and body hurt right now by making all those expressions and gestures so it’s a free workout session every day too! That’s quite a bonus. I’m not complaining. What I’m thinking about is just this, that if we were winking at our cars without this ‘touchless’ technology, it would be so odd. Think about making that ‘it’s Monday again’ face to login to Zoom meetings and getting fired by your boss.

Well, so much for avoiding pandemics. We’re afraid of the touch but I guess we should be more afraid of the ‘touchless’ unless we want to get weirder, looted by tech companies for the new technology and well, more susceptible to a mental care rehabilitation centre. We’re okay with building herd immunity for now, I guess?

Unlockdown 1.0 – The 3 Cs – China, COVID & Cure!

So, the forced party is finally over. Yes, the “party” because we all were confined to our homes and the commerce and business had stopped. It was universal so we had a sense of being together in this. The plight of migrants walking on the highways and sheer mismanagement of their home journey can bring tears to your eyes at the same time put curse words for all stakeholders responsible for this. But now the economy is slowly getting the green light, while the red and orange zones are waiting in the lurch. Finally, good sense prevailed and we now have only two zones – Containment & Non-containment. Of course, the sentiments will be down to the graveyard, moving around will be cautiously done. For me, how do we open the office without being sure if the housekeeping who comes to clean the office is not COVID positive? That’s the starting point. Then comes your office boy travelling in local transport, milkman to replenish the coffee machines and other staff members who travel publicly. Will we endanger their lives and others? How long can #WFH actually work out? An ocean of difficult questions with no easy answers.

I was trying to analyze all possible scenarios which will unfold as we open our gates considering all angles. But universally, whichever country cracks the vaccine first will be the king, just praying it’s not the Chinese. “Dua” and “dard” both from China will make the world dance to the dragon.

Scenario 1 – Idealistic  

Everyone wears a mask, maintains social distance, WFH continues, offices work on 10 -30% capacity, our hospitals, and medical facilities keep pace with the no’s of COVID Cases and slowly we limp back to normal. One confirmed news break from any of the  110 pharma companies globally of a possible vaccine or cure will push the economy into full throttle. If that happens to be an Indian pharma company – Serum Institute of Adar PoonaWala, for Example [haven’t you seen him suited in news channels these days?] will really put India on a SpaceX rocket which will take us towards the “superpower” colony – just like Elon Musk has successfully sent the two NASA astronauts to ISS.

And yes, China retreats from the borders and a pact is achieved wherein there’s no more claiming of Indian land in return of no more uninstall of TikToks.

Scenario 2 – Most Likely 

As we open up, our COVID cases will surge through the roof – 10 lakh, maybe 20 lakh with 2-3 % succumbing to it. We will develop herd immunity and develop antibodies and by September or October, the virus will mutate and give us a real Diwali. Yes, hospital beds will be scarce, there will be mismanagement, the political blame game will be all time high, the economy and job losses will be so deep that everyone will be willing to work at 30-50% of their income with loans and defaults rising at alarming rates. By October, we get a grip and things tread back to the new normal and most likely vaccine developments show impressive results. Meanwhile, China and India continue their dog fight. Maybe a few tanks fire cannons, sorties by fighter jets  on each other, show of muscle and nothing significant.

Just like when you have those street fights “Hath Laga kar Dekh” and by July end, Indo x China Bhai Bhai T-shirts begin to sell again. TikTok uninstalls continues and Micromax, Intex, Xolo, Karbonn and other earlier versions of Vivo & Oppos of the world start relaunching their smartphones. It’s possible.

Scenario 3 – Extreme Situation:

It’s July 15, 2020 and the COVID-19 scoreboard reads 50 lakh cases in India. Lockdown 5.0 gets implemented, doctors and nurses are taking the hard decision of whom to save. China versus India intensifies its fight and Pakistan, Nepal & Russia joins the party while the rest of the world backs India to corner China. There’s tension at the border and nerves are stretched. It’s a cold war but nothing happens at the end. Deaths and infections are everywhere, our medical facilities begin to collapse and there are protests and riots everywhere.

Those who lose their loved ones because of callousness, in all likelihood will lose their sanity. It’s grim news and madness everywhere and illegal sales of guns blossom.It’s the Economy which is now to be saved because suicides and poor mental state are killing more people than COVID-19.

In all of the above scenarios, by October either we will have a vaccine announcement or we will have herd immunity. Now comes the lawlessness, going outside, walking will be dangerous snatching, kidnappings will be frequent. Joblessness and poverty will push the dragon in people to fend for themselves. Now comes the Phishing scenarios – we recently faced a situation where a concentrated effort was taken to get money transferred. My accountant – Tanaya Ghosh received a fraudulent mail from my name, [E-mail ID was different] asking her to transfer. Normally, no one will check the Email-ID,  just the name but her good sense prevailed and she double-checked with me. In most businesses, CFOs and Accountants are powered to make transactions of up to a capped amount.

We have to tread the next 3-4 months with caution and sanity. I have had friends who in spite of being financially well off get panic attacks even now. Our belief in the human spirit must be reinforced that’s supreme and believe in the supernatural power above you. Maybe it’s his way of resetting the climate, so we don’t have to travel to other planets to set up shop. Are you still seeing Toronto or New York from your bedroom anywhere in India?

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Driving NASA to Space – Elon Musk’s SpaceX

While you all were thinking of all the controversies and downfall that Elon Musk must’ve seen in the last two years, he launched yet another milestone, literally. SpaceX successfully launched NASA astronauts into space! 

Elon Musk and the team have been working on this dream for the last 18 years and on 30th May of 2020, the automobile tycoon’s SpaceX launched astronauts beyond the skies. The Falcon 9 rocket left Launch Complex 39A carrying two astronauts, Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley. This marked history for Elon Musk as SpaceX became the very first private company to have launched astronauts for NASA. 

With all of this, if all goes well, SpaceX will also begin launching astronauts not only for NASA but other space agencies and private companies. The first operational Crew Dragon mission, called Crew-1, is expected to launch to the ISS on or around Aug. 30, with 3 NASA astronauts and 1 astronaut from the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency. 

A test dummy named Ripley was onboard Demo-1 that was launched previously in March 2019 with no real astronauts on board. This was for a week-long test. Elon Musk has been extremely overwhelmed with emotion and when someone’s hard work does pay off, it definitely is a victory worth all the emotions and celebrations. 

While the return is more important than entry, Musk and team are geared up to ensure that the reentry is safe and only then will he consider it to be a true victory. Elon Musk has earned quite a reputation over the years. Tesla fans are many and now SpaceX is all set to create a wave of new fandom. He has shown remarkable resilience even during tough times and his crisis management skills have proven to be unparalleled. After all, courage is the true virtue that one must live by. 

Amidst all the Coronavirus chaos that the world has been hit really hard with, there’s consolation here in this huge achievement that showcases what all a human being can do. It is all about setting goals and following through to achieve them. Elon Musk has set an example for all to follow. 

Leaving you with a positive note by Adidas – ‘Impossible is nothing’. 

Apple Appears on TikTok | Lockdown Boredom or Competition?

This could be a classic case of boredom considering the current lockdown situation in the whole world, but Apple has officially opened a TikTok account. 

It seems like the premium smartphone manufacturer could not keep itself from being far away from all social media platforms and hence joined one of the most popular social media platforms. TikTok has not only been doing well in China (it’s home country) but also in other countries like India where it has amassed millions of users and is enjoying unparalleled popularity. 

While Apple is yet to post any content on its official TikTok id, we speculate it is most likely to be for advertising, just like it uses Instagram for. TikTok is slowly but steadily claiming the social space and has already put the likes of apps like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and WhatsApp on a question. The iPhone/iPad maker is another joined to its user database. 

The official Apple id in question is quite blank as of now and the number of followers is currently at 5562 at the time of writing. Not only this, but Apple has also received the verified badge which can be identified by the blue tick mark on the side of its username and hence confirming of its official involvement. Apple will most likely use this TikTok id to connect with its users and also share its updates with the community, just like it does with Instagram where it is very active and Apple also shares a lot of images, competition updates and it’s Shot on iPhone’ series.

It would not be very wrong to say that Apple could not post any content on the TikTok profile at all, just like its Twitter account which has a total of 4.2 million but the company has never tweeted. So what comes at the end of the spectrum is yet to be seen.

TikTok has been under a lot of heat recently, both for good and bad reasons. While TikTok’s global user database is growing like a balloon which won’t burst, the social media platform has also been under the radar for various misleading content, rabble-rousing that has been specifically targetted at communities and certain situations; especially here in India. YouTube is already out with it’s ‘Shorts’ platform, which is expected to compete with TikTok. 

Either way, it is interesting to see the American smartphone maker join TikTok and how they would go about with it. If you are interested in following Apple, you might as well click on this link.


Jio Sells 9.99% of Its Stakes To Facebook | A Deal Amounting to $5.7 Billion

Facebook’s is known for its unparallel reach all across the globe. This is not just recent but Facebook has been enjoying high levels of popularity close to a decade now, since its inception in 2006. However, with recent competitors like TikTok from ByteDance, facebook’s unparallel territory was being threatened with the massive growth surge for other services, TikTok being one of the biggest. For a matter of fact, ByteDance’s is the second-largest competitor after Facebook. 

With new challenges and hurdles cropping up on FB’s way, the American giant has now has found its way to incorporate in a better way in India. In a very recent announcement by the social media company, it said to have invested a net capital of $5.7 billion for 9/99% stake in India’s Reliance Jio Platform. Reliance Jio is a subsidiary of Reliance Industries and is three-and-half-years old at present. Not only this, but it is also the biggest telecom operator here in India. The nation’s most valued firm deals with more than 370 million subscribers currently. 

This deal puts Jio at a valuation of $65.95 billion on a pre-money basis. Facebook is now the largest minority stakeholder in this Indian telecom market. This is by far the largest investment for a minority stake by a tech company globally; also being the largest Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the technology sector in India. 

The venture could see a lot of collaborations spring up in the coming days, especially the one on the cards would be Jio Mart (an e-commerce JV between Reliance Digital and Jio) which is the nations largest retail chain along with WhatsApp. India is counted as one of the biggest markets of WhatsApp as well as one of the most popular smartphone app. This essentially means that with Jio Mart and Whatsapp, they can connect with several businesses, big and small and provide product purchase experience in a seamless mobile-only experience. 

Reliance Jio started its commercial rollout of 4G data around the second half of 2016 and took the local market by storm with its on-paper free services like calling, data and SMS. This also kickstarted a price war with the local telecom companies which eventually forced out a lot of competition with its sheer presence and unmatchable prices. Reliance Jio stayed true to their words and have been providing a great experience to its users with minimum costs and lots of free services in India where the market is nothing but price-sensitive, leading Jio to become the top telecom providers in India. 

Reliance Jio also offers services like Saavn (music streaming platform), JioTV and payment services like JioPay. 

With the recent turn of events, Facebook co-founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg said in a post “ We’re making a financial investment and more than that, we’re committing to working together on some major projects that will open up commercial opportunities for people across India”.

Facebook’s investment is not only restricted to Reliance Jio but also a social commerce platform Meesho and Unacademy where it wrote a cheque of $15 million each to these startups earlier this year. 

In a video message, Mukesh Ambani, Chairman and MD of Reliance Industries said that “ At the core of our partnership is the commitment that Mark Zuckerberg and I share for the all-around digital transformation of India and for serving all Indians. Together, our two companies will accelerate India’s digital economy to empower you, enable you and enrich you.”

Mr Ambani also added that fact that JioMart and Whatsapp will enable 30 million neighbourhood stores (also known as Kirana stores in India) to be able to transact digitally. WhatsApp has been working with the Indian government to enable digital payments services in India which is still at large due to certain regulatory issues.

With TikTok’s blindsiding of Facebook, this move comes as a huge upper hand both in terms of reach and business for both the companies and together we can assume to witness some very interesting services being rolled out in the years to come.  

OnePlus 8 Series | Cheaper in India, Pricier in the United States

While the official announcement of the prices of the OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 8 Pro has been made, India gets the exclusive variant.

OnePlus 8 Pro price in India has been revealed, alongside the prices for the OnePlus 8 and OnePlus Bullets Wireless Z headphones. OnePlus on Sunday announced the pricing for all of its new products, just days after their introduction. The exact sale dates for each of the products is still unclear and OnePlus has just said that these will go on sale next month. The OnePlus 8 series prices in India are much lower than the prices of the two smartphones in the US. What’s also worth noting is that the company has launched a brand new variant of the OnePlus 8 in India – the 6GB + 128GB – that hasn’t been unveiled globally.  Read on for more details on OnePlus 8 series price in India and sale details.

OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 8 Pro price in India

OnePlus made the announcement of their new OnePlus 8 series of smartphones amidst the COVID-19 situation. And from what it seems like, OnePlus had it all planned well in advance so the launch was imminent.

The OnePlus 8 price starts in India starts from Rs. 41,999/- and the OnePlus 8 Pro prices start from Rs. 54,999. Yes, these are far away from the prices once OnePlus began selling their phones with. Their tag of being the ‘Flagship Killer’ is a bit of distant now as OnePlus has clearly ventured into the premium space.

The Indian prices of the OnePlus 8 series smartphones are considerably cheaper than what the prices are in the US. This clearly means OnePlus is aiming to capture a major share of the market here in India where the budget premium segment is booking, especially when devices like the Samsung Galaxy S20 series have been priced much higher, the OnePlus 8 series is expected to garner a lot of buyers. There is no word on availability of the phones yet, however, interested buyers can head to Amazon India to find out more details.

OnePlus first revealed the prices in the US and then in India. The base variant of the OnePlus 8 comes with 6GB of RAM and 128GB of internal storage and is priced at Rs. 41,999/-. This variant is also exclusive to Amazon India. Moving on the 8GB +128GB variant is priced at Rs. 44,990/- and the top variant with 12GB +256GB is priced at Rs.  49,999/-.

The OnePlus 8 Pro 8GB RAM, 128GB storage variant has been priced at Rs. 54,999/- and the 12GB RAM, 256GB storage variant has been priced at Rs. 59,999/-. OnePlus 8 Pro will be available via Amazon India and offline stores.

OnePlus 8 Pro, OnePlus 8 specifications

The OnePlus 8 Pro is powered by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 SoC, coupled with 8GB and 12GB of LPDDR5 RAM. It comes with a 6.78-inch QHD+ (1,440×3,168 pixels) Fluid AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate. It also features a quad rear camera setup comprising a 48-megapixel primary Sony IMX689 sensor, an 8-megapixel secondary sensor with a telephoto lens, a 48-megapixel sensor with a wide-angle lens, and a 5-megapixel “Color Filter” camera sensor. On the front, the OnePlus 8 Pro gets a 16-megapixel camera with a Sony IMX471 sensor. The OnePlus 8 Pro supports dual nano sims and runs Android 10 with OxygenOS on top.

The display on the OnePlus 8 Pro features an in-display fingerprint sensor, and OnePlus has added a 4,510mAh battery that supports Warp Charge 30T and Warp Charge 30 Wireless, apart from reverse wireless charging. The OnePlus 8 Pro has 128GB and 256GB of UFS 3.0 storage options, and connectivity options include 5G, 4G LTE, Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth v5.1, GPS/ A-GPS, NFC, and a USB Type-C port.It measures 165.3×74.35×8.5mm and weighs 199 grams.

The OnePlus 8 runs Android 10 with OxygenOS on top and sports a 6.55-inch full-HD+ (1080×2400 pixels) Fluid AMOLED display with a 90Hz refresh rate, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 SoC, 6GB, 8GB and 12GB of LPDDR4X RAM options, a triple rear camera setup with 48-megapixel Sony IMX586 primary sensor, 2-megapixel secondary sensor, 16-megapixel sensor. A 16-megapixel Sony IMX471 sensor is behind the front camera with 128GB and 256GB of UFS 3.0 storage, similar connectivity options, an in-display fingerprint sensor and a 4,300mAh battery that supports Warp Charge 30T. It measures 160.2×72.9×8.0mm and weighs 180 grams.

iPhone SE 2 for 2020 Announced | Prices Start At $399

With the looks of an iPhone 8, it packs more modern specs to match the performance

Apple has finally taken the covers off the new iPhone SE 2. The iPhone is the cheapest offering from the house of Apple and the prices start from $399 for the 6GB storage version. But with the looks of it, most of the people will mistake it for an iPhone 8. Well, it would take some really trained eyes to differentiate it from the iPhone 8. 

Starting with the screen, it features a 4.7-inch screen, yes the most friendly iPhone size, large bezels on the top and button and the now missing home button with Touch ID. This design has been consistent since the arrival of the iPhone 6. So the SE second generation is the fifth device to carry this design and Apple has really mastered this design over the years.

Apple says it will be available for pre-order from April 17th onwards and start shipping from the 24th of April. Depending on the on-board memory, you have a 128GB variant priced at $499 and a 256GB model $549. Moreover like any other iPhone, it will ship with one year of Apple TV Plus. The iPhone SE second generation will be offered in three colours – Black, White and Product Red. 

What’s New?

Now don’t get this wrong but the new iPhone SE is basically an iPhone 8, but it packs a better camera, hardware and specifications. The surprise here is the A13 Bionic chip, which also powers the latest iPhone 11 and 11 Pro models. 

What this means that the new iPhone will have a long life from the time you pick it up from the shelves. In fact, it now will claim the life of the iPhone 8 which it is replacing. However, Apple has said that the iPhone 8 Plus will be available in some select markets only. These select markets could include price-sensitive markets like India too.

With the new A13 processor, the camera on the new iPhone SE has gained some new features. It gets a single 12-megapixel camera on the back along with a flash. Apple claims that with the A13 chip on board, the new SE offers improved Smart HDR photography, which combines multiple shots into a single image to massively improve the lighting and detail. 

The surprise here with the single-camera is the portrait mode technology. Apple has named it ‘monocular depth-sensing’ (just better software detection) which uses machine learning to detect depth and faces. But it also raises doubts on the subjects as it should work on humans but cannot really say how it would be on pets or other objects. Lastly, the camera is blessed with Apple’s optical stabilization which claims to provide ‘cinematic’ stabilization. The camera can record 4K video at 60fps. What a delight for creators who shoot on their phone. On the front, the selfie camera comes with a 7-megapixel sensor. The front camera can also do portrait effects. Apple is achieving the same results what others have been trying to do with multiple cameras. Good move Apple. 

The Hardware

Most of the parts of the new iPhone SE are identical to the iPhone 8. You can expect a similar battery life. However, Apple has not revealed any numbers for the battery on this one. The screen is Apple’s 4.7-inch IPS LED Retina display with True Tone colour. It might sound different, but it is the exact screen as we have already seen on the iPhone 8. Moreover, Apple says the cases made for iPhone 8 will fit the new iPhone SE with ease.   

Now here is something that would leave some waiting for more. In the days of blazing-fast charging times, Apple’s new SE comes with a puny 5W charger in the box. Although, it has support for 18W fast charging, as well as support for Qi wireless charging. What you won’t see is a headphone jack, the 3.5mm jack has been ditched. Apple will ship with Lightning headphones in the box. 

What else? Some modern specs like support for Wi-Fi 6, Gigabit LTE and dual-sims (e-sim for the second one). It has now support for Haptic Touch, which is a replacement for Apple’s 3D Touch. Apple is sure to lift some hopes despite the current pandemic situation.  This $399 iPhone is sure to appeal a lot of buyers, especially the ones who have been a fan of the screen size but wanted some better specs. Apple has finally addressed the problem. Last but not least, the new iPhone SE will secure its user with software updates over the years to come. 

iPhone SE 2 Specifications

  • Screen: 4.7-inch True Tone display
  • Rear cameras: 12-megapixel single 6-element lens, features OIS, flicker sensor for white balance, focus pixels, HDR, and portrait mode for people, video recording at 4K/60fps
  • Selfie camera: 7-megapixel camera
  • Dimensions: 67.3 x 138.4 x 7.3mm, 148 grams
  • Processor: A13 Bionic 
  • Memory: TBD
  • Storage: 64GB, 128GB, and 256GB
  • Battery: TBD
  • OS: iOS 13
  • Connectivity: Wi-Fi 6, Gigabit LTE, Dual SIM with eSIM
  • Biometric authentication: second-generation Touch ID fingerprint sensor
  • Wireless charging, Lightning connector, 5W charger included
  • IP67 protection
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