At the TechDay 2024 event in Bengaluru, Lenovo made waves by launching the AMD ThinkPad T14s Gen 6 in India, marking a significant milestone in enterprise computing. Powered by the AMD Ryzen AI 7 Pro 360 processor, this is the first Lenovo ThinkPad based on x86 architecture to feature cutting-edge AI capabilities. The laptop’s dedicated neural processing unit (NPU), capable of delivering up to 50 TOPS of AI processing power, sets a benchmark for intelligent computing in professional environments.
Priced at ₹1,38,000, the ThinkPad T14s Gen 6 offers 32GB of RAM and 256GB of internal storage, making it a business powerhouse. Leveraging the AMD Ryzen AI 7 Pro 360 processor, it supports advanced data analytics and real-time machine learning. Complementing this is the integrated AMD Radeon 880M GPU, which ensures exceptional graphics performance, perfect for tasks like content creation and design-heavy applications.
Ashish Sikka, Director and Category Head at Lenovo India, highlighted the laptop’s versatility: “The ThinkPad T14s Gen 6, with its AMD Ryzen AI 7 Pro 360 processor, meets enterprise needs across the board from managing intricate designs and securing sensitive data to tackling resource-intensive tasks. With advanced security features and a commitment to sustainability through recycled materials, this device is a secure, eco-friendly solution for modern businesses.”
The ThinkPad T14s Gen 6 isn’t just about performance; it’s designed for smarter, more personalised experiences. The NPU and GPU collaborate to deliver AI-driven insights, enhance user personalisation, and proactively mitigate security threats. It runs on Windows 11 OS, complete with support for Copilot+ AI features.
Additional highlights include a 14-inch WUXGA display with 400 nits brightness, up to 17 hours of battery life, and eco-friendly packaging made from 90% post-consumer recycled materials. Combining power, intelligence, and sustainability, the ThinkPad T14s Gen 6 is built for the demands of today’s fast-paced professional world.