NASA’s Landmark Landolt Space Mission – The Future of Astronomy

NASA is gearing up for an ambitious venture, the Landolt Space Mission, set to launch by the decade’s end. This groundbreaking initiative will place a satellite in orbit, acting as an artificial star to enhance the accuracy of ground-based telescopes, thereby expanding our cosmic knowledge. Scheduled for an early 2029 launch, this satellite will be compact, about the size of a loaf of bread.

Equipped with eight lasers, the satellite will simulate the light of various celestial bodies, from stars to supernovae. This innovative calibration method will allow astronomers to fine-tune their telescopes and observatory instruments, resulting in more precise measurements of actual celestial objects.

Positioned 35,785 kilometres above Earth, the satellite will maintain a geosynchronous orbit, appearing stationary from the ground. As Peter Plavchan, the principal investigator from George Mason University, explains, this orbit is designed to make the satellite mimic a real star. During its first year, the satellite will remain over the U.S., facilitating optimal observation for NASA and independent American observatories. While invisible to the naked eye, the artificial star will be detectable by telescopes equipped with digital cameras.

This setup promises to help astronomers achieve greater accuracy in measuring changes in stellar luminosity and other characteristics. Named after Arlo Landolt, a pioneer in stellar brightness catalogues, the mission was approved by NASA in February and publicly announced on June 10. The project, involving around 30 experts, is estimated to cost $19.5 million.

The Landolt Space Mission represents a significant leap in space exploration. Serving as a stable and well-defined sky landmark, it will enable scientists to refine their observational techniques, securing more precise data with each study. Ultimately, this mission will illuminate more of the universe’s mysteries, marking a new chapter in our understanding of the cosmos.

Wish to send something to the moon? America’s commercial attempt in 5 decades!

The first country to land on the moon was the Soviet Union in 1966. America was the first country to land humans on the moon in 1969, and ever since, only two countries have achieved a successful landing, including China, which managed three successful landings in the past decade and India, which achieved the feat on its second attempt. America is pushing the private industry of their country to complete space exploration and missions at a fraction of the cost required by a government initiative for the same. Called the Vulcan Centaur, America blasted off an attempt to land on the moon after almost 5 decades from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.

Vulcan Centaur is a two-stage-to-orbit, heavy-lift launch vehicle developed by United Launch Alliance (ULA). It is principally designed to meet launch demands for the U.S. government’s National Security Space Launch (NSSL) program for use by the United States Space Force and U.S. intelligence agencies for national security satellite launches. It will replace both of ULA’s existing heavy-lift launch systems (Atlas V and Delta IV Heavy) due to their retirement. Vulcan Centaur will also be used for commercial launches, including an order for 38 launches from Kuiper Systems.

Development of the Vulcan rocket started in 2014, largely in response to growing competition from SpaceX and a desire to phase out the Russian RD-180 used on the Atlas V. Initially scheduled for an inaugural flight in 2020, the program was delayed by over three years due to problems with the development of the BE-4 engine and the new Centaur upper stage. Vulcan Centaur launched for the first time on 8 January 2024, successfully carrying Astrobotic Technology’s Peregrine lunar lander, the first mission on NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program.

The lander Peregrine is carrying confidential scientific equipment that shall measure the Moon’s radiation and surface composition. The most interesting part is the remaining cargo: the cremated remains and DNA of Star Trek creator, Gene Roddenberry, DNA remains of scientist and author Arthur C. Clarke, a live dog, a physical bitcoin and a small rover built by Carnegie Mellon University! The US has paid only $100 million for the transport to Astrobotic, and in space exploration terms, it’s a good deal on a taxi fare.

Moonstruck – ISRO’s Vision to Grace the Moon with Indian Astronauts by 2040

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is poised for an ambitious lunar endeavour, setting its sights on dispatching Indian astronauts to the Moon by the visionary year of 2040, as declared by Chairman S Somanath. Charting the course for the next frontier in space exploration, ISRO unveils the Gaganyaan program, an audacious plan to propel a crew of 2 to 3 Indian astronauts into the celestial theatre of Low Earth Orbit (LEO).

Their cosmic odyssey is envisioned to span up to three awe-inspiring days, culminating in a secure return to a predesignated site in the vast expanse of Indian waters. Somanath detailed this cosmic vision in a compelling article for the Manorama Yearbook 2024.

From the ranks of the Indian Air Force, four intrepid test pilots have been anointed as “Astronaut-Designates” for the Gaganyaan mission. Currently undergoing specialized training at the Astronaut Training Facility in Bengaluru, these aviators are poised to etch their names in the annals of space exploration.

The inaugural Gaganyaan mission will be a crucible of cutting-edge technologies, scrutinizing the resilience of the human-rated LVM3 launch vehicle, the orbital ballet of the Crew Module and Service Module encapsulated within the Orbital Module, and an array of life support systems. Preceding the historic crewed mission, the spacefaring endeavour will conduct two parallel uncrewed missions, in addition to rigorous Air Drop Tests, Pad Abort Tests, and Test Vehicle flights.

The recent milestone achievement, the TV-D1 mission on October 21, 2023, showcased the mettle of the Crew Escape System. The unpressurized incarnation of the Crew Module gracefully detached from the launch vehicle, free-falling into the Bay of Bengal, where the Indian Navy deftly retrieved it.

Somanath underscores the pivotal role of this test flight as a prerequisite for the imminent missions, projecting a potential launch of the crewed Gaganyaan mission in the celestial dance of 2025. The cosmic tapestry of India’s space odyssey continues to unfold, weaving a narrative of bold exploration and scientific prowess.

Chasing the Sun – Aditya L-1’s Epic Quest for Solar Enlightenment

India’s Aditya L-1 mission has shattered the cosmic silence by unveiling the Sun’s mesmerizing picture in exceptional detail. Through the lens of the Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (SUIT), an emissary aboard ISRO’s inaugural solar expedition, the mission has etched the inaugural full-disk images of our radiant star, unveiling its celestial dance in near ultraviolet splendour. The breathtaking visuals, spanning 200 to 400 nm wavelengths, have ushered humanity into uncharted realms, offering a cosmic spectacle never witnessed before.

ISRO, the architect of this cosmic revelation, shared these celestial snapshots on the digital canvas of social media. In their announcement, they heralded these images as gateways to “pioneering insights into the intricate details of the Sun’s photosphere and chromosphere.” The Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope, a luminary among seven payloads on Aditya L-1, stands as a sentinel, capturing the Sun’s ultraviolet essence and scrutinizing the nuances of light energy emissions.

The Solar Wind Ion Spectrometer (SWIS), a maestro within the Aditya Solar wind Particle Experiment (ASPEX) payload, commenced its cosmic sonata on December 2. Preceding this, the High Energy L1 Orbiting X-ray Spectrometer (HEL1OS) unveiled the solar flares’ mystique in a mesmerizing display last month.

Launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre on September 2, Aditya L-1 rides the powerful Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), a stalwart among ISRO’s cosmic steeds. Beyond its visual revelations, Aditya L-1 seeks to unravel the Sun’s secrets—its radiance, the ebb and flow of particles, magnetic fields, and their profound influence on our cosmic ballet. As the PSLV sets Aditya L-1 on its orbital dance, humanity eagerly anticipates the unveiling of the solar saga, enriching our cosmic tapestry with newfound wisdom.

India’s Leap to the Moon: Chandrayaan-3’s Lunar Odyssey Nears Culmination

ISRO’s ambitious third moon mission – Chandrayaan 3 has the entire country excited in anticipation. Chandrayaan-3’s Lander Module (LM) is all set for a soft landing on the lunar surface on Wednesday evening. This is a historic mission not just in Indian space research, but the entire globe as India aims to become the first country to reach the uncharted south pole of the moon. The LM Consisting of the lander (Vikram) and the rover (Pragyan), is scheduled to make a soft-landing near the south polar region of Earth’s only natural satellite at 6:04 PM on Wednesday (23 August)

Chandrayaan-3’s Landing Process

After a successful lift-off on July 14, ISRO’s launch vehicle, Mark-3, propelled Chandrayaan-3 into orbit. Chandrayaan-3 took multiple elliptic circles of the Earth gaining velocity. After a long journey of 3.84 lakh km, on August 5, the Chandrayaan-3 satellite entered the moon’s orbit and stabilised there for a few days. Now, the Vikram lander has been brought closer to the moon’s surface before the much-anticipated landing descent can begin.

The twenty minutes of terror, or T-20, begin on the day of landing, setting up a suspenseful conclusion. The Vikram lander will start descending towards the moon’s surface from a height of 25 km upon receiving commands from Bengaluru. The powered fall of the Vikram lander will send it hurtling into the moon’s surface at a speed of 1.68 km/s, or approximately 6048 km/h—almost ten times that of an aeroplane.

This is known as the rough braking phase and lasts for roughly 11 minutes. The Vikram lander will then begin to slow down with all of its engines operating, but the lander is still practically horizontal to the surface of the moon. The lander will touchdown with just two engines firing which will shut down once the sensors on the legs feel the lunar surface. The Vikram lander and rover are both designed to last one lunar day (14 Earth Days)

According to ISRO, Chandrayaan-3 is on schedule and the smooth sailing continues. After the successful landing, India will become the fourth country to master the technology of soft landing on the lunar surface after the US, China, and the Soviet Union.


Strange Object on Australian Beach Sparks Chandrayaan-3 Speculation

According to the Australian Space Agency, a massive metal object that appeared on a beach near Jurien Bay in Western Australia might belong to a space launch vehicle from an unidentified country.

The Guardian reported that the copper-coloured cylinder was discovered in a significantly damaged condition, leaning to one side. Images of the cylinder depict weathering and several barnacles adhered to its surface, suggesting prolonged exposure to the ocean.

Initially considering the object as hazardous, the Western Australia police later stated that it had been analyzed by the fire department’s chemistry centre, affirming its safety and ensuring no immediate risk to the community. However, further assessments are required before conclusive determinations can be made.

Science Alert raised the possibility that the rocket component could be linked to the Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), specifically its third-stage booster. A comparison between an image of engineers handling the PSLV’s third stage and the washed-up object reveals some resemblance.

Nevertheless, it remains unconfirmed whether the object is indeed part of an Indian launch vehicle, and the Australian Space Agency has not provided explicit confirmation of this possibility. Further investigation is necessary to ascertain the true nature and origin of the object.

Goodbye Mangalyaan! ISRO confirms Mars mission is over

After eight glorious years, Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), famously known as the Mangalyaan mission has come to an end. The Indian Mars orbiter ran out of fuel and battery after completing eight years of orbiting the red planet. On 3rd October, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) confirmed that the orbiter lost communication with the ground station. As the orbiter is non-recoverable the Mangalyaan mission has completed its last lap and ended its journey. The Mars orbiter has completed a time phase much more than its expected life span of six months placing India at a pivotal place in space exploration. Here’s a look back at the Mangalyaan mission:

Mangalyaan Bids Adieu

ISRO’s MOM launched back in November 2013 and was orbiting Mars since September 2014. With its success, India became the first Asian nation to reach the Martian orbit. Interestingly, India is the only country in the world to reach Mars’ orbit in its first attempt. This was a new ball game for ISRO as it was its first interplanetary mission and to make it in the first attempt is a commendable feat. The success of Mangalyaan made ISRO the fourth agency to put a mission on Mars’ orbit. This brought worldwide recognition to the space organization, positioning it amongst prominent space agencies globally. It was back on September 24, 2014, when ISRO’s Mars Orbiter’s official Twitter announced that it had successfully made it to Mars orbit. Check it out below:

Mars Orbiter Mission History

It was announced back on 23rd November 2008 by then-ISRO chairman G. Madhavan Nair that India will launch a mission to Mars. The launch was initially planned for 28th October 2013 but was pushed back to 5th November due to poor weather conditions in the pacific ocean. The mission’s objective included five main tasks. MOM carried five scientific payloads weighing just 15KGs to collect data on Mars’ surface geology, morphology, surface temperature mapping, atmospheric processes, and atmospheric escape process. Another important objective of the mission was to maintain the spacecraft in all of its phases throughout and ISRO was successful in doing so.

Fun Fact: ISRO’s Mangalyaan mission was carried out at a total cost of US $57 million. The budget for Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame film is $356 million!

Vastness of Space

“I see only two possibilities – one, that we are alone in this vast universe, and second that we are not. Both sound equally terrifying”. I read this on the internet and cannot stop thinking how accurate this is. Scientifically, you can try and explain every single occurrence, but when we put on the poetic lens, the void between the stars and moon begins to expand.  

In the winter of 1995, scientists pointed the Hubble telescope at an area of the sky that was dark and nearly empty. Over ten consecutive days, the telescope took 150 hours of exposure to the same area and what came back was nothing short of spectacular! They saw over 1500 distinct galaxies glimmering in a tiny sliver of the universe. But how large was the image captured? You would wonder. Well, if you were to put a pen and hold it in front of the night’s sky, focusing on its tip. That is what the telescope captured in its first deep field image. Those 3000 galaxies were seen in that speck of the universe. 

To give you a perspective, the distance between the Earth and the Sun is 94 million miles. Again, the nearest star outside our solar system is 4.2 light-years away. But what is a light-year? Or what are the millions of miles we are talking about? It might just be a number for us, but when we talk scientifically, these numbers go beyond our comprehension. 

The universe, if believed, started with a bang. Now, if you see a regular explosion, it starts from nothing to inflating energy and finally deflates after a point. However, scientists have claimed that the universe is expanding or inflating faster than the theories under the Standard Model of Cosmology. This could mean that the standard model needs to be updated and points to an opportunity for discovery. This also puts doubt on the theory that the universe comprises relative amounts of normal matter, dark matter, dark energy and radiation. There can be much more to it. Who knows?

The universe appears to be a time window, and the farther we look, the farther back we go in time. Light moves at a speed of 300 thousand Kms/sec. To use it up for you, suppose you are standing a meter away from your friend. The light from your friend’s face took about 3.336 nanoseconds to reach you. This means you always see your loved ones 3.336 nanoseconds into the past. If you look around, you are not seeing the world as it is, but as it was, the further things are, the further back in time you are looking. 

The idea for this article struck me on my terrace when I looked up at the sky. I wondered what purpose we hold here on this planet which is no bigger than a grain of sand. Like fireflies on a summer night, the dots illuminating the velveteen sky only strengthens my wonderment. When you look at the twinkling stars, you’re looking back in time. You see the stars as they were thousands of years ago, and some might be just dead. Crazy! Isn’t it?

It is not necessary that the vastness of this universe could be captured in numbers. What if it’s eternal? Infinite. The fact that we are living in something so huge yet so tiny that if our planet gets washed up, it won’t make an iota of difference in the universe is scary. 

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