Wish to send something to the moon? America’s commercial attempt in 5 decades!

The first country to land on the moon was the Soviet Union in 1966. America was the first country to land humans on the moon in 1969, and ever since, only two countries have achieved a successful landing, including China, which managed three successful landings in the past decade and India, which achieved the feat on its second attempt. America is pushing the private industry of their country to complete space exploration and missions at a fraction of the cost required by a government initiative for the same. Called the Vulcan Centaur, America blasted off an attempt to land on the moon after almost 5 decades from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.

Vulcan Centaur is a two-stage-to-orbit, heavy-lift launch vehicle developed by United Launch Alliance (ULA). It is principally designed to meet launch demands for the U.S. government’s National Security Space Launch (NSSL) program for use by the United States Space Force and U.S. intelligence agencies for national security satellite launches. It will replace both of ULA’s existing heavy-lift launch systems (Atlas V and Delta IV Heavy) due to their retirement. Vulcan Centaur will also be used for commercial launches, including an order for 38 launches from Kuiper Systems.

Development of the Vulcan rocket started in 2014, largely in response to growing competition from SpaceX and a desire to phase out the Russian RD-180 used on the Atlas V. Initially scheduled for an inaugural flight in 2020, the program was delayed by over three years due to problems with the development of the BE-4 engine and the new Centaur upper stage. Vulcan Centaur launched for the first time on 8 January 2024, successfully carrying Astrobotic Technology’s Peregrine lunar lander, the first mission on NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program.

The lander Peregrine is carrying confidential scientific equipment that shall measure the Moon’s radiation and surface composition. The most interesting part is the remaining cargo: the cremated remains and DNA of Star Trek creator, Gene Roddenberry, DNA remains of scientist and author Arthur C. Clarke, a live dog, a physical bitcoin and a small rover built by Carnegie Mellon University! The US has paid only $100 million for the transport to Astrobotic, and in space exploration terms, it’s a good deal on a taxi fare.

Transhuman Tomorrow: Exploring the Evolution of Humanity

The concept of transhumanism has been gaining momentum in recent years, sparking debates and discussions about the potential future of humanity. Transhumanism, in essence, is the belief in using advanced technology to enhance and evolve the human condition beyond its current biological limitations. It envisions a future where humans merge with machines, surpassing natural abilities and achieving unprecedented levels of intelligence, longevity, and even physical prowess. As we stand at the threshold of technological advancement, it is crucial to explore whether the future is truly transhuman and what implications this transformation might have for society.

The Drive for Enhancement

Humanity has always sought ways to enhance its capabilities. From the invention of the wheel to the development of the internet, our relentless pursuit of progress has led to remarkable achievements. Transhumanism represents the next logical step in this journey. With rapid advancements in fields like artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and nanotechnology, we are on the cusp of achieving feats that were once relegated to the realm of science fiction.

One of the most intriguing aspects of transhumanism is the idea of merging humans and machines. Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are at the forefront of this movement, allowing direct communication between the human brain and computers. This technology has the potential to revolutionize fields such as medicine, enabling paralyzed individuals to regain mobility and people with neurological disorders to regain their independence.

The Pursuit of Immortality

One of the most audacious goals of transhumanism is the pursuit of immortality. Through genetic engineering, regenerative medicine, and other cutting-edge technologies, proponents of transhumanism aim to extend human lifespans indefinitely. While this concept may seem far-fetched, significant progress has already been made in understanding the ageing process and finding ways to slow it down.

However, the pursuit of immortality raises profound ethical questions. How would society grapple with the consequences of a population that never dies? Would it exacerbate existing inequalities? And how would we reconcile the philosophical and existential aspects of our mortality? These are questions that must be addressed as we contemplate a transhuman future.

Challenges and Ethical Dilemmas

The path to a transhuman future is fraught with challenges and ethical dilemmas. Privacy concerns, for instance, become paramount when we consider the integration of BCIs and other invasive technologies into our lives. Who would have access to our thoughts and personal information, and how would this impact our autonomy and individuality?

Moreover, the potential for a technological divide between the enhanced and the unenhanced is a pressing concern. Access to these transformative technologies could become a privilege reserved for the wealthy, further deepening societal inequalities. It is essential to establish ethical guidelines and regulations to ensure that transhumanism benefits all of humanity rather than a select few.

The Human Experience

As we contemplate the future of transhumanism, we must also reflect on what it means to be human. Will the integration of technology into our bodies and minds fundamentally change our essence? While proponents argue that enhancing our abilities and extending our lifespans align with our inherent drive for self-improvement, the flip side also brings about the worry that we may lose something essential in the process – our humanity.

The future may indeed be transhuman, with technology offering us the potential to enhance our physical, cognitive, and emotional capacities. However, as we embark on this transformative journey, we must approach it with caution and a keen awareness of the ethical, social, and philosophical implications it carries. Striking a balance between technological progress and preserving our humanity will be the defining challenge of the transhuman era. In the end, the path we choose will determine whether this future is a utopia or a dystopia, and it is our responsibility to shape it wisely.

Christopher Nolan calls AI the ‘Oppenheimer’ of this generation

Oppenheimer has been one of the most talked about films in recent times. While Oppenheimer Vs Barbie has been the main talk of the town, we as audience members cannot overlook the fact that the former is an important film which draws parallels from the ongoing chaos in the world. The film is all set to release later this week and the director Christopher Nolan has a warning for tech companies and the engineers working in them. Without namedropping anyone, Nolan stated that Silicon Valley should learn to take accountability.

Nolan’s warning to tech companies

When J. Robert Oppenheimer first learned that Hiroshima had been struck with devastating effects, the physicist began having deepest regrets about his role in the creation of the bomb. Oppenheimer wept his heart out and expressed his regret over the creation of the atomic bomb when he met President Harry S. Truman. However, the president deemed him a crybaby and said he would never want to see him again. Nolan wishes the Silicon Valley audience members of his upcoming film are able to draw parallels from the story of Oppenheimer.

Nolan was quoted saying, “I think what I would want them to take away is the concept of accountability” The director recently held a screening of Oppenheimer at The Whitby Hotel in New York where he had a lot to share about the technological developments in the past 15 years. Nolan stated that the rise of companies in the past 15 years “bandying” about words like algorithm do not really want to take any responsibility for what the said algorithm does.

Nolan added that these algorithms being applied in the AI infrastructure make up for a terrifying possibility. He added that during his conversation with leading researchers in the field of AI, they refer to the current AI scenario as their Oppenheimer moment. Nolan highlighted that prominent people in the AI industry are looking at Oppenheimer’s story to say what are the responsibilities for scientists developing new technologies that may have unintended consequences.

Celebrating National Technology Day: How Operation Shakti Changed India’s Nuclear Landscape

In a world driven by technological advancements, it is essential to acknowledge the profound impact of technology on our lives. National Technology Day in India serves as a momentous occasion to commemorate the country’s scientific and technological achievements. This day not only honours the brilliant minds behind groundbreaking innovations but also highlights the significance of technology in shaping our future. Join us on a journey to explore the history and importance of National Technology Day, as we celebrate India’s triumphs in the realm of science and technology.

Why do we celebrate National Technology Day?

National Technology Day, celebrated annually on May 11th, marks the day when India conducted its first successful nuclear test in Pokhran, Rajasthan, in 1998. Codenamed “Operation Shakti,” this landmark event demonstrated India’s capabilities as a nuclear power. The success of this test placed India among the elite nations with nuclear capabilities and heralded a new era in the country’s scientific prowess.

Significance of Operation Shakti

Nestled in the arid landscape of Rajasthan, Pokhran has long been synonymous with India’s nuclear ambitions. Having conducted its first nuclear test in 1974, India recognized the need to enhance its technological prowess to secure its interests on the global stage. Operation Shakti served as a testament to India’s unwavering commitment towards ensuring a secure future.

Operation Shakti involved a series of nuclear tests conducted in May, under the utmost secrecy and meticulous planning. India’s scientific community worked tirelessly to develop and refine indigenous technologies, culminating in a display of cutting-edge advancements. The operation witnessed successful detonations of both fission and thermonuclear devices, propelling India into the exclusive club of nuclear powers capable of mastering such technologies.

Operation Shakti was a definitive statement, reflecting India’s resolve to counter regional threats and maintain strategic stability. By showcasing its nuclear capabilities, India reinforced its commitment to an independent foreign policy and a credible deterrent. The operation also served as a stark reminder that India’s security interests would not be compromised, fostering a climate of peace and security in the region.

Operation Shakti was not an endorsement of an arms race, but rather a strategic move to safeguard national security interests. India has consistently advocated for global nuclear disarmament and maintains a no-first-use nuclear weapons policy. Through Operation Shakti, India highlighted the need for nuclear powers to work together towards disarmament while ensuring an equitable and secure international order.

How Technology Can Harm The Environment – Development With A Price

This blue planet that we reside on is often regarded as ‘Mother Earth’ but if you look at it from a transparent perspective then we haven’t been kind to our mother. Sounds depressive but is unfortunately true. I am not denying the fact that technology has undoubtedly brought about incredible advancements and revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate. However, the downside to this technological revolution is that it has also caused significant harm to the environment. The increasing demand for new and advanced technology, combined with humanity’s insatiable wants, has resulted in the destruction of natural habitats, increased pollution, and a significant impact on the planet’s ecosystems.

The rate at which technology is advancing and the growing demand for it has caused the widespread destruction of natural habitats, leading to the extinction of many species. Forests, wetlands, and other natural ecosystems are being destroyed to make way for technology infrastructure, such as data centers, mines, and manufacturing plants. The expansion of cities and urban areas has also led to the destruction of natural habitats, which is a significant contributor to the loss of biodiversity.

While working on Exhibit’s sustainability edition, it was impossible for me and my team to simply ignore the fact that technological developments and harm to the environment go hand in hand. Thus, making our readers aware of the environmental impact of the technological revolution became a moral duty. Here are some ways technology harms the environment followed by what we can do to curb the damage –


E-waste refers to electronic products that are discarded by consumers when they are no longer needed. This includes items such as computers, televisions, smartphones, and other electronic devices. According to the United Nations, approximately 50 million metric tons of e-waste is generated each year, and this number is expected to increase.

E-waste is a growing concern for several reasons. Firstly, electronic devices contain hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, and cadmium that can leach into soil and groundwater when discarded improperly. These toxins can have severe health implications for humans and animals, leading to respiratory issues, neurological damage, and cancer. Secondly, the production and disposal of electronic devices require a vast amount of energy, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and exacerbating climate change. Whereas, the production of electronic devices requires the extraction of precious metals and minerals, leading to environmental degradation and pollution.

The amount of e-waste generated worldwide is staggering. According to the Global E-waste Monitor, the world generated 53.6 million metric tons of e-waste in 2022, with Asia producing the highest amount. Unfortunately, only 17.4% of e-waste was recycled, while the rest was either disposed of in landfills or incinerated. The improper disposal of e-waste poses a significant risk to the environment and human health, making it essential to adopt proper disposal methods.

One solution to the e-waste problem is to adopt sustainable practices in the manufacturing of electronic devices. Many companies are now using recycled materials in the production of electronic devices, reducing the need for the extraction of new materials. Additionally, companies can design devices to be easily repairable and upgradable, reducing the need to discard the entire device.

Another solution is to promote the responsible disposal of e-waste. Governments can implement policies and regulations to ensure that e-waste is disposed of responsibly, such as requiring manufacturers to take back and recycle old devices. Consumers can also do their part by recycling old devices properly or donating them to charities or refurbishers.

We can also reduce e-waste by changing our consumption habits. We can opt for longer-lasting and repairable devices instead of constantly upgrading to the latest model. We can also practice responsible disposal of devices, such as donating or selling them when they are still useful.

 Energy Consumption

Increased energy consumption is one of the most significant ways in which human activities are harming the environment. The use of fossil fuels to power homes, transportation, and industries has resulted in a significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to climate change. Energy consumption has also led to the depletion of non-renewable resources such as coal, oil, and natural gas, further exacerbating the impact on the environment.

The industrial sector is one of the largest contributors to energy consumption, with the demand for energy-intensive products and services on the rise. Many industrial processes, such as cement and steel production, require vast amounts of energy and are responsible for a significant portion of global greenhouse gas emissions. The increasing demand for consumer goods has also led to increased energy consumption, as the production and transportation of goods require energy.

The transportation sector is another significant contributor to energy consumption and environmental harm. The use of fossil fuels to power cars, trucks, and airplanes has led to a significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to climate change. Additionally, the construction and maintenance of transportation infrastructure, such as roads and highways, also require vast amounts of energy.

Energy consumption in households has also contributed to environmental harm. The use of electricity for heating and cooling, as well as the use of electronic devices, contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and the depletion of non-renewable resources. The increasing demand for energy-intensive appliances, such as air conditioners and refrigerators, also contributes to increased energy consumption and environmental harm.

Climate Change

The use of fossil fuels to power technology has contributed significantly to climate change. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which trap heat and contribute to global warming. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the earth’s temperature has already increased by 1 degree Celsius above pre-industrial levels, and it is projected to continue to rise.

Furthermore, the production and transportation of electronic devices also contribute to carbon emissions. According to a report by the Carbon Trust, the carbon footprint of a smartphone is around 55 kilograms of CO2 equivalent, which is equivalent to driving a car for 125 miles.

Resource Depletion

The manufacturing of electronic devices requires the use of rare metals such as cobalt, lithium, and nickel. These metals are typically mined from the earth, and the process of mining can cause significant environmental damage. For example, mining can lead to  soil erosion, deforestation, and water pollution. Mining is perhaps one of the biggest contributors to environmental depletion around the world! 

Furthermore, the increasing demand for high-speed internet and digital services has led to the construction of large data centers that require a vast amount of energy for cooling and power supply. Data centers have become one of the largest energy consumers worldwide, with their energy usage expected to double by 2030. This energy consumption contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and exacerbates climate change.

The good news is that there are several ways in which we can mitigate the negative impacts of technology on the environment. Here are some examples:

  • Choose energy-efficient devices: Look for devices with an Energy Star certification, which indicates that they use less energy and emit fewer greenhouse gases.
  • Recycle electronic devices: Many retailers and manufacturers offer recycling programs for electronic devices. When disposing of an electronic device, make sure to do so properly to avoid environmental harm.
  • Use renewable energy: Consider switching to renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, to power electronic devices and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Reduce energy consumption: Unplug electronic devices when not in use, use energy-efficient settings, and turn off lights and other appliances when leaving a room.
  • Encourage manufacturers to produce sustainable products: Support companies that prioritize sustainability in their manufacturing processes and use environmentally-friendly materials.

In conclusion, while technology has provided many benefits, it has also had significant negative impacts on the environment. We must take steps to mitigate these impacts, including choosing energy-efficient devices, properly recycling electronic devices, using renewable energy, reducing energy consumption, and encouraging manufacturers to produce sustainable products. By doing so, we can help protect the environment for future generations.

How Tech is Driving Sustainable Development – Power of Digitization

We live in an era where science and technology have drastically changed every aspect of the human experience. On the flip side, it is also the decade where climate change has accelerated at an unprecedented rate. If the cost of technological development comes with the price of losing out on natural resources, then the future of human civilization is at risk. 

It is easy to list down all the ways technological advancement has harmed the environment. However, when you look at it from a different perspective, technological advancements are also driving sustainable development across the world by improving efficiency, increasing transparency, and reducing waste. With growing concerns about climate change and its impact on the planet, there has been a surge in the adoption of sustainable technologies. Here are some of the ways tech and digitization are driving sustainable development – 

Renewable Energy Management

Digitization has enabled easy management of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. Digital technologies such as sensors, IoT, and analytics allow the optimization of renewable energy production and reduce energy waste while improving the efficiency of renewable energy sources. Digitization can furthermore, reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and increase the use of renewable resources contributing to sustainable development. 

Smart Agriculture

Digitization has revolutionized the agriculture sector by enabling precision agriculture. Precision agriculture uses digital technologies such as sensors, GPS, and analytics to optimize crop management, reducing water usage and improving yields. The amalgam of technology and agriculture is yet to be fully realized in India. However, in a country where 58% of the Indian population depends on agriculture for their livelihood, it doesn’t seem far away when digitization reaches every corner of the agricultural landscape in India. 

Eco-Friendly Manufacturing

Digitization has enabled the manufacturing industry to become increasingly eco-friendly. Digital technologies like automation and AI help reduce waste, optimize production processes and improve efficiency. More and more smartphone manufacturers in today’s time use recycled plastic while making eco-friendly packaging choices. Digitization has proven to help reduce the environmental impact of the manufacturing industry and improve the sustainability of production processes. 

Circular Economy

Digitization has enabled the development of a circular economy. A circular economy is an economic system that aims to eliminate waste and promote the reuse of materials. Digitization can help enable the sharing economy, promoting the reuse of products and reducing waste. The sharing economy enables consumers to share products, reducing the need for purchasing new products and promoting sustainability.

Reducing Carbon Footprint

Digitization has helped reduce the carbon footprint of various industries by enabling remote work and virtual meetings. Remote work allows employees to work from home, reducing the need for commuting and reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. Virtual meetings also reduce the need for travel, reducing the carbon footprint of business travel. By adopting digitization, businesses can significantly reduce their carbon footprint, contributing to sustainable development.

There are no two thoughts about the fact that the advancement of technology and sustainable development can go hand in hand. Humanity stands at a very crucial point right now which decides whether our future generations get to see a world where a sense of environment still stands true and strong. While we all can only do our little parts to leave the world a little better than when we arrived here, it still plays a major role in the bigger picture.

Technological Humanitarianism: Tech That Can Save Planet Earth

Humans are an interesting species, to say the least. We are both causing and fighting ocean acidification, deforestation, and the changing climate landscape. While on one end we benefit from the rampant abuse of natural resources, we also campaign to save the environment which puts us in a dangerous dilemma. While the duality of human behaviour can be studied deeply in the philosophical realm, the fact cannot be denied that we will run our resources to the ground if immediate and definite action is not taken. 

Sure, cloth bags and wet/dry waste separation have now become a common part of our existence, but is that enough? Our efforts at the individual level might feel insignificant compared to major corporations around the world which suck up our resources leading to mass depletion. But, the good news is around if you look for it (& look hard) 

Corporations are surely getting in the groove and leading the change in the development of sustainable technology. Major companies have geared up and started incorporating sustainability into their operations. Whereas, various companies have also promised to become carbon neutral by the end of this decade. While corporations going carbon neutral is a step in the right direction, an ideal future is when the entire world becomes carbon neutral. In the current scenario, it sounds beyond achievable but the optimist in me believes that with the advancement of technology, humanity will reach this goal. 

So, what are the actual tech advancements that could bring about a sustainable revolution? Let’s explore – 

Plant-based Plastic 

Plastic is undoubtedly one of the most notorious polluters of the environment. The manufacturing of single-use plastic may have helped humanity greatly but it harms the environment at a greater rate. Initiatives are underway in India and around the world which completely ban or limit the use of single-use plastic. However, my ignorant self still gets annoyed when I get a paper straw with my McDonald’s drink. 

Plant-based plastics that are biodegradable are one solution towards a sustainable world. In theory, many plastic products already in circulation can be replaced with plant-based plastic. Many companies like Avani Eco in Indonesia are already at work creating bio-degradable plastic products. If biodegradable plastic becomes a reality in near future, then a lot of damage to the environment can be curbed. 

Solar Glass

Solar energy has long been touted as the future of energy consumption around the world. However, the technology has not gone mainstream as one would expect it to. In the current scenario, a solar panel is installed at the top of a roof which generates electricity from sunlight. However, what if every building or skyscraper could generate electricity for itself? That’s what solar glass promises. As the name suggests, solar glass is placed as a transparent window which can capture the sun’s energy and convert it into electricity. 

However, a big issue with solar glass is efficiency. As of now, high-performance solar cells are capable of achieving nearly 25% efficiency. Adding transparency to solar panels results in decreased efficiency. If implemented at full capacity, solar glass has the potential to power 40% of the US energy needs. 

Fake Meat

Are you a meat lover? Does eating meat products brings satisfaction to your appetite? Well, then you’re also a contributor to a dangerous level of greenhouse gas emissions. It was back in 2017 when more than 15,000 world scientists signed a ‘Warning to Humanity’ calling for a drastic diminishing of per capita meat consumption amongst other agendas. The FDA has shared that livestock accounts for about 14.5% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Animals also use huge amounts of freshwater and the contamination from industrial livestock promotes local resources. 

The relief here is that fake meat is finally good! Be it ‘Imagine Meats’ by the Bollywood power couple Riteish-Genelia or Goa-based Wakao Foods that serves vegan jackfruit meat across the globe, the fake meat industry is finding its footing. The development of fake meat is a technological triumph in itself but its adoption among people due to its environment-friendly approach is worth crediting. 


Imagine Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Vibranium but in the real world, that’s what Graphene is! What can only be called a miracle material, graphene is thinner than paper, stronger than steel and more conductive than copper. Graphene is an ultra-thin layer of graphite which was discovered in 2004 at the University of Manchester and has since then been regarded as the next big step in the technological evolution of our species. 

It reduces electrode resistance and creates a high-energy battery having major applications. It also has great potential for energy storage and generation. Graphene is merely one atom thick having a wide range of planet-healing applications like water filtration, energy transfer, and much more. 

Artificial Intelligence

No, artificial intelligence is not just useful for writing your research papers! Sure, the concept of AI has been around for the longest time with pop culture depicting it as the end of humanity (maybe it is?) but it definitely is the future of computing having the potential to take us out of the dangerous position we find ourselves in. 

Microsoft has been running the AI for Earth program for a while now giving research grants to more than 200 teams using AI for planetary health. Biodiversity, climate, water, and agriculture have been the program’s predominant concerns. AI has the potential to become the shoulder humanity climbs on towards a sustainable future. 

In conclusion, a sustainable world powered by technology is not just a distant possibility but a near future. The traditional ways of running the world make big profits for benefiting from the system, but it is high time for humanity to adopt new ways. If not, we could be looking at a bleak future.

Protect Our Planet – Significance of Earth Day

There was a time in History when a corporation-owned factory could cause black clouds of toxic smoke in the air and dump tonnes of toxic waste into a nearby water stream without facing any consequences. There was no legal body to regulate harm to the environment as no EPA, Clean Air Act, or Clean Water Act was in place. However, things changed drastically in 1970 when US Senator Gaylord Nelson created Earth Day to make environmental issues a national agenda and eventually an international one. 

Over 50 years down the line, Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22 and holds great significance not just among environmentalists but also among the general public. Before we go on to the theme of Earth Day 2023. Here is a brief history of the day which celebrated Mother Earth – 

History of Earth Day

Gaylord Nelson was a junior senator from Wisconsin who had grave concerns surrounding the deteriorating environment in the United States. It was back in January 1969 when he witnessed the horrors of a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. Nelson was inspired by the student anti-war movement and wanted to bring the same enthusiasm to issues like water and air pollution. He announced the idea of a teach-in on college campuses to US media and chose Pete McCloskey as his co-chair. The campus teach-ins were organized by Denis Hayes, a 22-year-old activist on April 22. 

Denis Hayes understood the movement’s potential to inspire all Americans leading him to build a national staff consisting of 85 people to promote events across the country. Soon, other faith groups and organizations latched on to the cause leading to ‘Earth Day’ as we know it today. The name change to Earth Day quickly sparked interest among the media eventually inspiring 20 million Americans to show their support. 

Groups already in place fighting individually against oil spills, raw sewage, toxic dumps, and other environmental causes united on Earth Day as they shared common values. In a rare political alignment, both the Democratic and Republican parties pledged their support to Earth Day in 1970. The end of Earth Day in 1970 led to the formation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency which introduced a number of environment-centric acts. It was back in 1990 when Denis Hayes took Earth Day on a global scale. Senator Nelson also earned a Presidential Medal of Freedom for his role in the formation of Earth Day. 

Current Significance

This will be the first time an Earth Day theme is being continued into the next year. Last year’s ‘Invest in Our Planet’ theme will be acting as the continuation of the 2023 theme which is focused on engaging businesses, governments, institutions, and more than a billion people who participate in Earth Day activities to their part. Kathleen Rogers, the President of EARTHDAY.Org previously shared the vision for 2023 saying, “In 2023 we must come together again in partnership for the planet. Businesses, governments, and civil society are equally responsible for taking action against the climate crisis and lighting the spark to accelerate change towards a green, prosperous, and equitable future. We must join together in our fight for the green revolution and for the health of future generations. The time is now to Invest In Our Planet,” 

An official press release by the Earth Day organization announcing 2023’s theme shared that investing in a green economy is the only path to a prosperous future. The statement adds furthermore that human influence is unequivocally to blame for the warming of the planet and some form of climate disruption will now be felt for centuries to come. 

Not just governments, but businesses and humans all need to work together to bring about the revolutionary progress required to save the planet. Here’s how this is achievable – 

1. Businesses including investors and financial markets need to drive value for their institutions and society through green innovations and practices. There have been multiple economic revolutions in the past powered by the private sector which now needs to emphasize the green revolution. 

2. Governments need to incentivize their citizens, businesses and institutions to innovate sustainable practices. Additionally, educating the general public and advancing their interest in creating an equitable and sustainable global system is also required. 

3. Citizens at an individual level need to push for sustainable solutions across the board as both voters and consumers. A push from the citizens can motivate governments to take proactive steps in conserving the environment while moving towards green development. The voice of the people holds great significance in making the changes the planet needs right now.

Earth Day Facts You Probably Didn’t Know 

1. April 22 was chosen as the date for Earth Day because it fell between Spring Break and final exams leading to maximum student involvement

2. About 10 per cent of the US population took part in the first Earth Day demonstration 

3. The passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts was inspired by the first Earth Day in 1970 

4. Nearly 1 billion people across the globe take part in Earth Day activities 

5. On Earth Day 2022, 28 million trees were planted in Afghanistan under the ‘Planet Trees Not Bombs’ campaign

6. Humans today use 50 per cent more natural resources than we did 30 years ago

7. An average American today produces 4.5 pounds of trash every day 

8.Nearly 80 per cent of all plastic waste ever created by humans is still in the environment

17 most underrated sci-fi films – Mind bending trip

The recent moviegoing experience is often overshadowed by event films like marvel and DC blockbusters which are predominantly sci-fi in nature. The genre keeps pumping out these visually overwhelming films that are m mostly backed by captivating CGI characters battling each other somewhere in Space or mostly in the USA. While it is easy to look over the sci-fi genre as popcorn flicks that entertain the masses, there are some hidden gems lurking inside that definitely deserve your attention. 

Our relationship with the digital world is rapidly changing. The prominence of AI and machine learning is seemingly beginning to reach the mainstream thanks to tools like ChatGPT. As we all know, films and any form of art actually is a reflection of the society that either showcases people a mirror or predicts the future in some form or the other. The changing landscape of the world surely hasn’t reached the point where a Tony Stark-Esque billionaire is building his very own Ultron in his backroom science lab (or maybe there is? but it surely begs us to ask the question – What if?

This curiosity among humans surely will not be explored for the longest time but there are films that have charted this territory really well. In our 17th anniversary special edition, we wanted to have a look at all the best sci-fi films that sadly remained underrated. Check them out right now – 

Snowpiercer (2013) 

Bong Joon Ho definitely won all the laurels and even an Oscar for his film Parasite but it was long before that when he directed the post-apocalyptic thriller Snowpiercer. It was based on a French graphic novel and revolves around humanity losing its battle against global warming which results in another ice age. The remnants of humanity take to a self-sustaining circumnavigational train which has a segregated class divide in it. Besides being an interesting sci-fi film, it also is a chilling portrayal of the class divide and how it might stay prevalent even at times of a global wipeout. 

Edge of Tomorrow (2013)

Edge of Tomorrow is undoubtedly one of the most underrated films ever by Tom Cruise. The sci-fi time loop film actually ended up being loved more on home video than in the theatres which is surely a tragedy given how good it actually is. It is a smart spin on two sci-fi tropes that are time travel and alien invasion that barely loses its touch through the entire runtime. Plus the lead pair Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt are surely a treat to look at through the crisp runtime of nearly two hours. 

Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

I remember walking into a theatre to watch Blade Runner 2049 as a college student and scratching my head the entire time to figure out what was going on. It was only half a decade later when I revisited the film and understood the underlying themes of existentialism it so beautifully portrayed. The film revolves around Ryan Gosling’s character K who is charged with retiring machines. Here, machines are more human than the people who mercilessly order their deaths. His path soon becomes intertwined with Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) and the two are forced to team up to solve a mystery. 

Annihilation (2018)

Paramount studios did not do right by this film as it was released in February, a month that is not associated with blockbusters to any degree in Hollywood. The result? Annihilation became an uncelebrated addition to the list of forgettable sci-fi films when it actually deserves the opposite of it. The film made its way to Netflix just three weeks after its theatrical release where the OTT audience surely appreciated it. The film revolves around a group of explorers entering a mysterious zone where plants and animals are rapidly mutating due to an alien presence. 

The Adjustment Bureau (2011)

Another Emily Blunt sci-fi film makes its way to the underrated list. What can we say? She’s a phenomenal actress still waiting for her mainstream appreciation. The film revolves around a United States congressman David who discovers his ‘Free Will’ decisions were actually being dictated by a mysterious group known as the ‘Adjustment Bureau’. When one of the events of David’s life does not go as planned by the bureau, his life goes haywire. The film is not just a fantastic sci-fi watch but also has undertones about secret societies and the notorious Illuminati. 

Minority Report (2002)

For a film released in 2002, the Steven Spielberg directorial Minority Report was undoubtedly way ahead of its time. The film was surely a box office success when it was released 21 years back making $358 million against a budget of $102 million. However, its prevalence in recent times stays fairly underrated. The Tom Cruise starrer is set in the year 2054 where a specialized police department titled ‘Precrime’ arrests criminals before a crime is committed by them using a foreknowledge technology called ‘Precogs’. While the film’s main theme sounds pretty straightforward, it dives deep into the mind-bending concepts of determinism, free will, government interference, and citizen freedom. 

Arrival (2016)

When we think about an alien invasion film, our perception leans towards over-the-top action entertainers like Republic Day. However, director Denis Villeneuve wanted to bend people’s expectations with Arrival and successfully did the same. The film dives deep into the contemplative nature of an alien invasion rather than an apocalyptic one and emphasizes forming contact with the extraterrestrial. Amy Adams leads the way in this film as a linguistic professor tasked with forming contact with the aliens. 

Dune (2021)

Maybe if Dune did not release in the middle of the pandemic then it could’ve received a greater box office reception. However, it failed to get the cash registers ringing as expected even with an amazing critical response. The film is based on Frank Herbert’s novel Dune and primarily covers only the first half of the book. A sequel is in the making and will be released in 2023. Set in the distant future, the film revolves around the noble House Atreides being forced to go to war against the hostile desert planet of Arrakis. 

Ex Machina (2014)

Alex Garland’s directorial debut was made on a humble budget of $15 million and managed to not just double its money at the box office but also earn two Academy nominations. The film revolves around the story of a young programmer named Caled who is selected in a lottery to participate in a top-secret experiment revolving around an AI. The film revolves around the AI learning what it means to be a human. 

Ad Astra (2019) 

There are only a few sci-fi films that are based on the psychological genre. The film revolves around an astronaut who ventures into space research in order to find his lost father. The film will remind viewers of the animated film Wall-E where humanity’s greed has driven it beyond just Earth and onto the Moon. 

Her (2013)


Before Joaquin Phoenix ruled the box office with his spine-chilling performance in the film Joker, he made us believe that humans and artificial intelligence can be deeply in love. Her is a refreshing take on the dystopian world trope as it showcases a tender viewpoint of what ‘smart’ devices are capable of. The film is beautiful and packed with raw emotions that are sure to make you tear up. 

Lucy (2014)

Scarlett Johansson’s Lucy was made on a modest budget of $40 million but ended up earning a massive $463 million at the global box office. Johansson plays the character of Lucy in the film that gains psychokinetic powers after a bag of drugs is absorbed into her bloodstream. The film explores the limitations of our brain and what can happen once it is unlocked. 

Alita: Battle Angel (2019)

Moviemaking bigshots James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez joined forces to make Alita: Battle Angel. The film was an adaptation of one of the most beloved mangas of all time. While James Cameron was set to direct the film, he got busy directing the super-successful Avatar franchise. 

Gravity (2013)

Gravity managed to bag 7 Oscar wins including Best Directing and Editing, however, still remains criminally underappreciated by the general audience. The film revolves around Dr Ryan Stone on her first space mission who meets with an accident. 

The Adam Project (2022)

It is a tragedy that a film featuring Ryan Reynolds, Zoe Saldana, and Mark Ruffalo remains underrated. The film revolves around a time traveller/fighter pilot Adam Reed stealing a jet in order to go back to 2018 and save his wife’s life. 

Looper (2012)

Looper is packed with action, thrill and sci-fi mixed in a time loop setting. The film is based in a distant future where time travel exists but can only be afforded by the rich as it’s a luxury. Whenever a mob wants to get rid of someone, it sends the target into the past where the protagonist is hired to finish the job. 

High Life (2018)

Robert Pattinson has featured in a number of whacky films before he picked up the mantle of Batman. High Life revolves around the character of Monte and his daughter who struggle to survive in space. While its IMDB rating stands at an abysmal 5.8, it surely is one of the best sci-fi films of all time.

Humans could be living on the Moon in 10 years, says NASA

Space exploration is undoubtedly a vital part of the human experience that could bring about the advancement of humanity on a greater scale. While humans have the ambition to migrate to a different planet like Mars, we have not even been able to base a camp on the Moon! Interstellar travel is only limited to Nolan films in the current scenario, however, it looks like things are about to change.

Humans could live on Moon

NASA has claimed recently that humans could be living on the moon as soon as the next 10 years. The Artemis rocket was launched recently containing the Orion lunar spacecraft which is the inception of the start of a mission to take astronauts back to the moon. There has been nearly a fifty-year hiatus from moon landings and humanity is gearing up to bring them back, and how!

Howard Hu, the head of the Orion program recently said to the BBC that in this decade itself, NASA will have people living for durations on the moon. The Orion program head also shared that depending on how long humans will be on the surface, the Moon will have habitats and rovers on the ground! Howard stated furthermore that NASA will definitely be sending people up to the Moon’s surface and they will be ‘doing science’. This will be the first step NASA is taking for long-term deep space exploration not just for the United States but also for the world.

If you ask me, space exploration has been not just a fascinating subject but also a realization of us being a speckle of dust in the vast universe. However, the conspiracy theories about the ‘dark side of the moon’ have also been intriguing to me. Thus, it will be interesting to see where humanity lands up with this level of space exploration where we base camps on the surface of the moon!

Tech This Week – November 12, 2022

This was one of the most interesting weeks in the tech world with major headlines breaking almost every day! And of course, we’re here to bring them to you in a nice little package in the form of ‘Tech This Week’ From layoffs to new launches, we’ve got you covered! 

Major layoffs in the tech industry 

This week saw major tech industries laying off their employees. While Twitter laid off half of its workforce, which included 90% of its Indian workforce, Facebook-parent Meta let off 11,000 of its employees. This was one of the largest layoffs ever witnessed in the tech industry. Whereas, major tech players like Microsoft and Amazon are also reported to fire a chunk of their workforce. 


MediaTek Dimensity 9200 launched

After a month of rumours, MediaTek has finally launched a new chipset for flagship smartphones – the Dimensity 9200. The latest flagship chipset is based on the TSMC N4P node and is the first SoC with ARM’s Gen 2 architecture with new cores. The newly launched chipset promised to offer better performance as compared to its predecessor, Dimensity 9000.

Realme Dizo launched

Another affordable smartwatch is on its way, this time from Realme’s TechLife brand Dizo. The company officially launched the Dizo Watch D Plus in India, which will be available on the e-commerce platform Flipkart from November 15th. The new wearable from the house of Chinese electronics maker Realme comes with a big immersive display, an aluminium frame and offers the most reliable tracking of health and fitness.

RTX 4080 rebrand 

Nvidia recently paused the launch of the 12GB RTX 4080 graphics card last month as it received a lot of backlash from fans over the naming and pricing. It is now being reported that the 4080 will be making its return to the market as the RTX 4070 Ti in Jan 2023. It will be interesting to see how fans react to this relaunch as they were vocal about their disappointment over the RTX 4080. 

Volvo EX90 unveiled 

Volvo recently unveiled the EX90 SUV that will go on sale globally in 2024. Volvo says it is the safest car ever produced and is banking on the car’s safety features to be its USP. This will mark Volvo’s third electric model promising a range of 600KMS. It supports bi-directional charging. It is also 5G-capable for over-the-air updates. One of the key features of the car is that its interior sensors can gauge eye concentration to warn about driving while being distracted or drowsy. 

iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max shipments to take a hit

It was back in October when news about a COVID-19 outbreak in the world’s largest iPhone manufacturing plant hit the internet. A surge in COVID-19 cases at Foxconn’s Zhengzhou, China site lead to a complete lockdown at the factory as a measure to curb the spread. As a result, several factory workers were seen fleeing the facility citing poor working conditions and a lack of basic resources. News outlets around the world also focussed on individual stories where workers from the factory shared their experience of being under the strict lockdown and finally making their way to the world. Foxconn’s Zhengzhou plant employs about 200,000 people and produces the maximum number of iPhones for  Apple across the world. Thus it was expected that the production of iPhones will take a hit due to this outbreak.  Apple this week confirmed that delays in the shipment of iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max will indeed take a hit! 

Oculus founder builds VR headset that kills you if you die in-game!

Palmer Luckey, one of the founders of Oculus has designed a new VR headset that can literally take your life if you die in-game! Technology and dystopia go hand-in-hand and with this new development, humanity has gotten a little bit if not too close to the sci-fi show ‘Black Mirror’ The VR headset draws inspiration from the Sword Academy Online Anime! However, it is not a product that will be making its way to the market anytime. 

Crypto market’s big fall

The crypto market recently witnessed a big drop with the entire market’s cap now sitting below $1 trillion, at $914 billion. Binance’s proposed purchase of FTX is likely the reason behind this volatile market move. As of now, Ethereum witnessed a 17% drop and Bitcoin is fairing a little better with a 10% fall.

Depths of ML – What is Machine Learning?

There is no debate about the fact that humans and computers are different entities. One of the main differentiating factors between humans and computers is that the former is capable of learning from past experiences. Well, to some extent. At the same time, computers need to be told what to do specifically. Computers are code-based strictly logic machines that do not possess common sense. This means that if we want them to do something, we have to tell them what to do precisely. This is done by providing them with step-by-step instructions on what to do exactly. Humans write scripts and program computers to follow instructions. This is where Machine Learning comes in! In simple terms, Machine Learning (ML) is a concept that consists of teaching computers to learn from experiences beyond data. 

What is Machine Learning? 

Machine Learning (ML) is a form of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that allows the software to predict more accurate outcomes without being programmed to do so exclusively. ML algorithms draw from historical data as input in order to predict new output values. Some of the ways ML is used are through recommendation engines, fraud detection, spam filtering, malware threat detection, and much more. So, what’s the big deal? Why is ML being used around as a trendy keyword in the world of AI? 

ML is important as it allows enterprises to observe the changing trends in customer behavior. Business operational patterns can also be observed through ML, whereas the technology also helps in the development of new products. Tech giants around the world like Google, Facebook, Uber, and many others use ML as a central part of their operations. Similar to AI, ML also has different categories. While classical ML is usually classified by how an algorithm learns to output accurate predictions, there are four different approaches to how it is done. The approaches to ML are listed below – 

Supervised Learning 

In this type of ML, data scientists supply algorithms with specifically labeled training data. The variables of the data here are defined to the minutest details and both the input and output of the algorithm are specified. Supervised learning algorithms are good at binary classification, multi-class classification, regression modeling, and ensembling. 

Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised ML algorithms do not require the data to be labeled. Most types of deep learning used are unsupervised algorithms. These algorithms discover hidden patterns and groupings without the need for human input. Due to its ability to discover similarities and differences in information, unsupervised learning is the best solution for customer segmentation, image recognition, exploratory data analysis, and more. 

Semi-supervised learning

As one would expect, this is the middle ground between Supervised and unsupervised learning. While training this type of algorithm, data scientists use smaller labeled data sets to guide classification. A small amount of labeled training data is fed to an algorithm which allows it to learn the dimensions of the data set. 

Reinforcement learning

This type of learning is used to teach a machine to complete a multi-step process for which the rules are clearly defined. An algorithm is programmed with a distinct goal and a prescribed set of rules to accomplish that goal. One of the main implementations of reinforcement learning is robotics. Robots can learn to perform physical tasks with the help of reinforcement learning. Whereas, reinforcement learning can also be used to teach bots to play a number of different video games. Resource management is another way where RL can be used as finite resources and a defined goal can allow enterprises to plan how to allocate resources. 

There are a lot of ways where machine learning is being used in a wide range of applications today. One of the best examples here is your Facebook news feed. The news feed uses ML to personalize every member’s feed. If you as a user frequently go on Kim Kardashian’s Facebook page then your News Feed is likely to show you more of her activity on the feed. We often start seeing advertisements for a certain product right after we search for it on Google or Amazon, that is due to the machine learning algorithm working in the background. Behind the scenes, the software is simply using statistical analysis and predictive analysis in order to identify patterns in your user data and use the same data to populate your news feed.

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