Trakin Tech | Arun Prabhudesai | Top 100 | Influncex'20

Trakin Tech | Arun Prabhudesai | Top 100 | Influncex’20

Ex: Tell us about a change you’ve seen in the digital blogging space since you started out your journey? How has this space evolved?

Arun: This space is continuously evolving. I got into blogging around 2007 with and then in 2016, I started my Youtube Channel. One of the main reasons to get into Youtube was the changing content consumption habits of consumers. As content creators, we need to offer consumers what they want and the current scenario too might change soon!

Ex: Can you give us an insight into social media platforms that only an Influencer can know?

Arun: One insight that I want to offer is – look at your analytics. It tells you what appeals to your audience and what does not. Data Analytics plays a pivotal role in giving you insights into what needs to be done next!

Ex: What would be your calling in a parallel universe? (Alternate career options)

Arun: Radio Jockey! I have been fascinated with RJs all my life.

Ex: If you were stranded on an island, what are the 3 gadgets you’d take along?

Arun: My iPad Pro, the biggest Power bank possible and my smartwatch.

Ex: A technology you wished you’d invented?

Arun: It’s yet to be invented.

Ex: Social Media is known to expose vulnerabilities, with influencers being at the epicenter. How do you deal with the dark side that comes with the medium? 

Arun: Honesty and Transparency. It’s tough to be like that when you have millions of followers. But be honest to yourself and your followers.

Ex: Social media trolling is seeing an upward rise. Do you think this only increases with the popularity of an Influencer? How does one tackle this situation?

Arun: In my view, it is best to ignore because there will always be people who will troll you when you are an influence. Best thing is to develop a thick skin and not respond to trollers.

Ex: What does success mean to you?

Arun: When you change people’s lives positively! Be it inspiring them, saving their money through right guidance, or anything else. If you are able to touch someone’s life and bring about a positive change.

Ex: What are your three favorite photo/video editing tools?

Arun: Snapseed on Android, FCP on MacOS, and Adobe Premiere Pro on Windows

Ex: A machine/gadget that you’re obsessing over right now?

Arun: Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra

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