Ted The Stoner | Top 100 | Influncex'20

Ted The Stoner | Top 100 | Influncex’20

Ted The Stoner (Changemaker Influencer)) - Exhibit Magazine

Ex: Tell us about a change you’ve seen in the digital blogging space since you started out your journey? How has this space evolved?

Ted The Stoner: Though the statement cannot be generalized, there is a lot of responsibility when it comes to posting anything on the internet now. There is a lot of accountability & that is definitely a good thing. On the contrary, with easy access to the internet, there is also a rise in the number of cases of cyberbullying and incessant trolling towards anybody with a different

Ex: Can you give us an insight into social media platforms that only an Influencer can know?

Ted The Stoner: I don’t think influencers have any upper hand when it comes to knowing things about anything that is open to all. The only reason an artist/influencer might have an upper hand over someone would be because they would spend more time researching something about social media since it is an important part of their lives.

Ex: What would be your calling in a parallel universe? (Alternate career options)

Ted The Stoner: I guess I’d be a farmer with a nice little farm and a couple of animals where I can just grow my own food and not worry about the world.

Ex: If you were stranded on an island, what are the 3 gadgets you’d take along?

Ted The Stoner: I’ll have a word with Tony Stark and get back to you.

Ex: A technology you wished you’d invented?

Ted The Stoner: A mind control device that can be used on Mumbai rickshaw drivers who keep rejecting us without even listening to the proposed destination. Social Media is known to expose vulnerabilities, with influencers being at the epicenter.

Ex: How do you deal with the dark side that comes with the medium?

Ted The Stoner: The best way to deal with vulnerabilities as an influencer is to be honest with your audience about your vulnerability. At times, we underestimate the good in the world. The audience you build on your page is like an extended family. The best way is to let them see you for what you are, who you are instead of faking it just because it seems like a cooler option.

Ex: What does success mean to you?

Ted The Stoner: Being happy and helping others be happy.

Ex: Which people or books have had the greatest impact on your growth, and why?

Ted The Stoner: People who have had the greatest impact on my life would be the life of Swami Vivekananda. A lot of good principles to learn.

Ex: What was the thought process behind this journey?

Ted The Stoner: The thought process was very simple. Making people happy and helping them in every possible way. I’m glad and I feel content because I can see that happening everyday.

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