Shruti Sinha | Top 100 | Influncex'20

Shruti Sinha | Top 100 | Influncex’20

Shruti Sinha Social Media - Exhibit Magazine India

Ex: Tell us about a change you’ve seen in the digital blogging space since you started out your journey? How has this space evolved? 

Shruti: I think the way people look at art and artists is different now. Much more respected.

Ex: Can you give us an insight into social media platforms that only an Influencer can know? 

Shruti: We are aware of our niche/ target audience, so we create content for and around them 

Ex: What would be your calling in a parallel universe? (Alternate career options) 

Shruti: I’m also a professional dancer and  I’d really like to be a councilor. Maybe a dance therapist. 

Ex: If you were stranded on an island, what are the 3 gadgets you’d take along? 


  • My phone
  •  Speaker 
  • The Fridge 

Ex: What’s been your favorite encounter with a fan so far? (DMs included!)

Shruti: of them honestly, I love meeting my fans. And I feel damn lucky to have them. 

Ex: Social Media is known to expose vulnerabilities, with influencers being at the epicenter. How do you deal with the dark side that comes with the medium?

Shruti: There’s a dark side to everything, I focus on the bright. It doesn’t really affect me, I try and stay positive and true to myself.

Ex: Social media trolling is seeing an upward rise. Do you think this only increases with the popularity of an Influencer? How does one tackle this situation?

Shruti: Trolling is on the rise and I don’t know if it’s because of the popularity or talent or what. Trollers are faceless people who are just jealous of the people they troll.what they don’t understand is the impact it can have on the person and their family. I honestly feel sorry for the trollers. I’ve been trolled and I won’t lie, it did affect me a little initially but then I realised that these people need help and I hope they get it.

Ex: What does success mean to you?

Shruti: To me, it means working towards my dream. As long as I’m moving in the right direction I feel successful 

Ex: Do you think Influencer Marketing is a fad? Where do you see this space in years to come?

Shruti: No, I don’t think it’s a fad, it’s actually the future as the world is going digital.

Ex: With the growing number of bloggers and Influencers today, how does your content stand out? Any tips for beginners in this field?

Shruti: As I said, each influencer has their niche, and the content we create is v specific and true to our art. What works for me is that I keep trying new and different things.   

My advice for beginners in this field would be, don’t be shy to try new things, you never know what might work for you.

Ex: What’s the hardest part about being in this space?

Shruti: Consistency. As influencers, we have to be consistent. Even on our bad/hard days we have to create content. It looks and sounds easy but thinking and creating takes a lot of time and effort

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