Ex: One book you keep coming back to. Shashank: “Thinking, fast & slow “ by Daniel Kahneman
Ex: When will you say you have fulfilled all your goals?
Shashank: When I reach heaven and get all the secrets of the universe from God!
Ex: When have you failed and how did you overcome it I fail every day. Shashank: The way to overcome it is to realize that every day is a new day. Ha ha ….. that’s complicated.
Ex: How difficult is it to maintain a work-life balance?
Shashank: Very difficult to maintain that balance . Optimization is what one can hope for at best.
Ex: What has been your biggest learning in the pandemic?
Shashank: Nothing can be assumed as a given.
Ex: One futuristic feature that you can’t wait to introduce in your vehicle.
Shashank: Can I ask for two please … Biometric Car Access & 3D Gestures control.
Ex: Which old-school car/bike design inspired you the most?
Shashank: Porsche 911
Ex: How has the shift to only petrol options affected sales?
Shashank: Not much actually. But missing the Diesel option in B Segment.
Ex: By when can we expect a production-ready electric vehicle from Maruti Suzuki?
Shashank: Sometime in the future!
Ex: What is one truth you believe in that most people disagree with you on?
Shashank: That people don’t really know what they want till you show them the infinite possibilities.
Ex: What is the one subject you think aspiring leaders should learn?
Shashank: Psychology
Ex: One thing you believe is absolutely necessary for sustained growth.
Shashank: Ability to maintain a learning environment.