Rider Girl Vishakha | Top 100 | Influncex'20

Rider Girl Vishakha | Top 100 | Influncex’20

Ex: Tell us about a change you’ve seen in the digital blogging space since you started out your journey? How has this space evolved?

Vishakha: I personally believe change is the only constant, talking digital blogging historically since Pyara Lab developed its blogger; it evolved as a primary mode of expression today. The journey of my blogging from mobile phone to action camera witnessed many turns. 

Ex: A technology you wished you’d invented?

Vishakha: I wished I would have invented modern-day action cameras. I could have developed them in more friendly ways, sans all difficulties we face while making a travel vlog. 

Ex: What’s been your favorite encounter with a fan so far? (DMs included!)

Vishakha: Seriously, it happened a week before when I received an email from a college-going girl. I was highly emotional reading the mail from Siddhi, who was explaining to me how she was preparing herself to become a female moto-vlogger.

Ex: Social Media is known to expose vulnerabilities, with influencers being at the epicenter. How do you deal with the dark side that comes with the medium?

Vishakha: It applies to each and everything under the sky. One must be mentally strong and strategically clear on what to be done and what not. I would rather say the more light you bring, the more darkness you can remove. 

Ex: Do you think Influencer Marketing is a fad? Where do you see this space in years to come?

Vishakha: The journey just started and has a long way to go. If you see various recent studies, brands started looking at Influencer Marketing as a vital or topmost strategic priority. We still have to go a long way ahead. I was going through some recent studies which suggest around 75% of brands and agencies started developing independent, separate policies for influential marketing programs as a top priority. 

Ex: What is your dream car or motorbike?

Vishakha: My dream car or bike must not be to drive or ride but to keep in a décor place with love and care. I am excited to ride CBR500 or Tiger in the future. 

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