Ex: What is one truth you believe in that most people disagree with you on?
Kartik: Attitude is more important than hard work
Ex: What is the one subject you think aspiring leaders should learn?
Kartik: I don’t think this is a subject in school but teaching and showing the way to others is essential to be a good leader. Everything else can be learned in college but some skills have to come from within your personality traits.
Ex: One thing you believe is absolutely necessary for sustained growth
Kartik: Keep taking calculated risks…you never know when they might pay off!
Ex: One book you keep coming back to?
Kartik: Blue Ocean Strategy
Ex: Leadership quotes that you live by (Can be multiple)
Kartik: “Everything negative – pressure, challenges – is all an opportunity for me to rise” – Kobe Bryant “Leaders become great not because of their power but, because of their ability to empower others” – John Maxwell
Ex: How difficult is it to maintain a work-life balance?
Kartik: Time-Management is the key ingredient in living a balanced life. I always believe everything is possible if you just manage your time in an organized fashion.
Ex: What has been your biggest learning in the pandemic?
Kartik: The power of the internet. It can unite people from all over the world.
Ex: Some productivity apps and technologies you use in your daily life?
Kartik: Garmin fitness App. Notes. Linksys app (managing my wifi). Calendar & reminders.
Ex: What is your technology detox like?
Kartik: A good workout before I start my day. It helps in clearing my mind and is the only time I am not thinking about work as much. Cooking from time to time is very therapeutic as well; not sure how it tastes though
Ex: Apart from connectivity devices, which other segments would you like to target?
Kartik: Belkin international has always been about solving human needs, hence during this pandemic, we have forayed into Health & Wellness. We have launched our very own face masks as we know wearing a mask is one simple action that can help in keeping each other safe.
Ex: How do you see the world shaping up post-COVID?
Kartik: As of now, the pandemic hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down. Face masks will continue to be the new norm while the focus on innovation will be key especially for schools & work. Given the fact of how technology has united us during these tough times, people may feel even more grateful & empathetic towards each other now more than ever.