Ex: Tell us about a change you’ve seen in the digital blogging space since you started out your journey? How has this space evolved?
Debasree: Social media keeps changing constantly, one major change I’ve seen is that the audience has become more aware and the kind of content that’s appreciated more is more raw.
Ex: Can you give us an insight into social media platforms that only an Influencer can know?
Debasree: Topical content does best and you need to figure out what kind of content your audience mostly consumes and most importantly it should be something you’re extremely passionate about.
Ex: What would be your calling in a parallel universe? (Alternate career options)
Debasree: Bio- Technologist
Ex: If you were stranded on an island, what are the 3 gadgets you’d take along?
Debasree: My phone, apple watch and camera.
Ex: A technology you wished you’d invented?
Debasree: It’s still not invented, I will invent it!
Ex: What’s been your favorite encounter with a fan so far? (DMs included!)
Debasree: There are so many but the best one was the first one when someone recognized me at a mall and clicked a picture with me. Cause firsts are always special.
Ex: Social Media is known to expose vulnerabilities, with influencers being at the epicenter. How do you deal with the dark side that comes with the medium?
Debasree: Yes, sometimes it can be really stressful and get to you but I try to distract myself and concentrate more on the positive than feeding onto the negativity.
Ex: Social media trolling is seeing an upward rise. Do you think this only increases with the popularity of an Influencer? How does one tackle this situation?
Debasree: Like I said to concentrate more on the positives and don’t let things demotivate you.
Ex: What does success mean to you?
Being happy
Ex: When was the first time you bought your dream makeup product and which one was it?
Debasree: Morphe Palette x James Charles from London gave me a lot of happiness because of the colours.
Ex: What would you tell young girls when it comes to ideals of beauty that our society has set up?
Debasree: Be comfortable in your own skin, makeup should always enhance your beauty and should never be something your beauty depends on.