Beebom | Top 100 | Influncex'20

Beebom | Top 100 | Influncex’20


Ex: Tell us about a change you’ve seen in the digital blogging space since you started out your journey? How has this space evolved?

Beebom: The changes in the digital space are more rapid than any other industry and in the past 10 years or so, we’ve seen a lot. What’s cool today might not be there after a few years, things move that fast in the Internet era and you always have to keep up with it. If you don’t, then you might not even be on the map. It’s the same for content creators, and the platforms they’re on.

Ex: Can you give us an insight into social media platforms that only an Influencer can know?

Beebom: If you do it right, then you will see a lot of success in terms of the engagement and reach but if you don’t optimize your content as per the platform and try to repurpose the same content on all platforms then you might not reach the full potential. It’s something you learn once you start making content for the online audience.

Ex: What would be your calling in a parallel universe? (Alternate career options)

Beebom: As the co-founder of Beebom, I’ve started working on it at the beginning of my 20s and now I am at the end of my 20s and it’s the only thing I ever worked on.

Ex: If you were stranded on an island, what are the 3 gadgets you’d take along?

Beebom: I’d take my iPhone, my MacBook, and my Airpods Pro because that’s all I use these days.

Ex: A technology you wished you’d invented?

Beebom: A hybrid foldable phone that wraps around the hand and becomes a smartwatch and that too in a budget of most people. I am working on it, maybe.

Ex: What’s been your favorite encounter with a fan so far? (DMs included!)

Beebom: I was in my hometown shopping some essentials for the home with my mother and we stopped at a shop selling towels and the person who worked there recognized me and started having a conversation followed by a selfie request and when I got out of the shop my mother told me that it’s because of you we couldn’t bargain. We could have gotten a better price for these towels and we both laughed.

Ex: Social Media is known to expose vulnerabilities, with influencers being at the epicenter. How do you deal with the dark side that comes with the medium?

Beebom: Since we’re in the business of introducing and reviewing new tech to our audience, we maintain that space very well. We don’t post unnecessary stuff and try to give our opinions only on tech. Sometimes, we need to take a stand in tech as well but we do ensure that we make a comment after properly understanding the situation and forming an opinion basis of true facts.

Ex: What does success mean to you?

Beebom: Success is the celebration of reaching a milestone and planning for the next one while you’re at it., and so on. If you’re happy doing whatever you’re, you’re already successful.

Ex: What are your three favorite photo/video editing tools?

Beebom: We use all the Adobe software and Final Cut Pro as the razor-sharp forged in fire weapons of our choice for video and image editing.

Ex: A machine/gadget that you’re obsessing over right now?

Beebom: It has to be the Boston Dynamics robot dog that costs a whopping $75,000!

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