ESSHANYA MAHESHWARI – Lifestyle Influencer Of The Year (Female), Editor’s Choice

Ex : How did your content creation journey kick start?
During lockdown, I became a big-time foodie, and I used to order Domino’s every other day. So one day, I told my manager in a joke that Domino’s should pay me to eat and promote them, and my manager just dropped a mail to the brand and voilà! A few days later, I got my first paid campaign for Domino’s, and from then, I’ve had a fantastic journey by creating content for more than 100 Brands.

Ex : What is your most viral reel/short? How did the idea come, and how long did it take to shoot?
This was just random, my fans have been requesting a saree reel for a long time. So I decided to do a quick one on this song as I love the vibe of it; I shot this in just 1 hour in my society, where we are not allowed to shoot, so we were sneaking around and shot this and posted it next day, and it reached 500k views.

Ex : Any 4 creators you want to collaborate with in the future.
Dimpi Sanghvi, Rizwan Bachav, The Rebel Kid, Aadil Khan.

Ex : Do you have an industry mentor?
Priyanka Chopra Jonas. She also started with modelling, and the rest is history. She influenced me in many ways; if I can be 10 per cent of her, that will be enough for me.

Ex : Tell us about a project that you are the most proud of.
My first Telugu movie, I was new and had no acting knowledge, but I got an opportunity to play a lead role with such an incredible role, and that movie became a blockbuster hit in Hyderabad and was released in Mumbai in many theatres. I took my family, my friends, my boyfriend’s family and everyone from my society to watch the film and they were so proud and happy, that made me happy.

Ex : Give us one or more hashtags describing you.
#NavelQueen – This hashtag has been given to me by my fans.

Ex : Can you describe a BTS / blooper that happened during a shoot but didn’t make it into the final content piece?
Actually, during my Telugu movie shoot, there was an action scene, and after the first take, the light fell on my face and gave me a scar for life. But it shook everyone on set, and it’s not exactly a blooper, but it’s one of the behind-the-scenes I will never forget.

Ex : What’s the first-ever trend that you hopped on?
I always had a fondness for dance, so I started creating a trend of dance covers totally in Bollywood style for YouTube when it was not even in the trend.

Ex : What will the creator landscape look like in 10 years from now?
It will be treated as a proper occupation. And will be respected by everyone. Not just as influencers. But as motivators and icons.

Ex : What are the platforms you are active on – how do you decide what goes where?
Instagram and Snapchat.

Ex : What’s the next big thing in the pipeline for you?
I want to get back into acting; due to the lockdown and back-to-back accidents, I haven’t done anything in the past four years, but hopefully, next year, I will get back into acting.

Ex : What is your dream project?
To work on Sanjay Leela Bhansali project, On a very interesting character.

Ex : Advice you would like to give to budding creators.
Figure out what works on your profile and what your audience wants to see from you. And make it your niche and post more of that.


DR. TANAYA – Health & Wellness Influencer Of The Year

Ex : How did your content creation journey kick start?
I started my content creation journey by learning to talk about menstrual cups, which is a revolution, and we don’t talk about it enough.

Ex : What is your most viral reel/short? How did the idea come, and how long did it take to shoot?
It was about how you should not hover when you pee in a public toilet. That was in collaboration with Nehadoodles. I saw her reel; she was doing the Beyonce trend, and I loved it, and I was just like, where she shows how when we go to a public toilet, we hover over the seat instead of sitting. I thought it would be a brilliant idea to make a reel. So, as soon as I got out of bed, I shot that reel without any makeup, with my hair looking wild, and it got 5 million views.

Ex : Any 4 creators you want to collaborate with in the future
Doctor Mike, Casey Neistat, Kusha Kapila, and Dr. Karan Rajan.

Ex : What piece of tech is your favourite
My DJI mic, I absolutely love the DJI collection.

Ex : Assuming Instagram is shutting down in 24 hours, what will you do?
I will download all of my content and upload it to YouTube instead

Ex : Tell us about a project that you are the most proud of.
That has come from Instagram, my HPV vaccine campaign I led along with the Her Adhikaar Foundation Foundation and We are leading a campaign to petition the Indian government to make the HPV vaccine a part of the National Immunization protocol, and if we can do this, we can make India cervical cancer-free, which is the second largest leading cause of death in women in urban India and I’m going to change it.

Ex : Give us one or more hashtags describing you
#screwtheshush #filterhataoshakaldikhao

Ex : Can you describe a BTS / blooper that happened during a shoot but didn’t make it into the final content piece?
It actually did make it into the final content piece. A reel where I was explaining, “does masturbation cause acne?” and as I was
explaining that, I sneezed very loudly. And as a blooper, I decided to upload that real; it was my first reel that got 1 million views.

Ex : What will the creator and scape look like in 10 years from now?
Hopefully, there will be more creators from the fields of medical and science communication. I’m very excited to see that. That’s just a very budding new field right now.

Ex : What are the platforms you are active on – how do you decide what goes where?
I’m a medicine and science communication expert, so I put everything everywhere.

Ex : What is your dream project?
I want to launch the biggest repository of sexual menstrual and body literacy content ever, and I would like to make it in partnership with the government of India. So It reaches everybody in this country, and everybody can transform their lives.

Ex : Advice you would like to give to budding creators.
Keep at it. Just keep posting and do what you love. Don’t try to imitate somebody else. Put your own style. Do silly things that feel like you become your trademark, and just be true to yourself and keep pushing every day. Also, remember to take your breaks because it’s a very it’s a high burnout, higher attrition rate industry. So take time for yourself, but also push.


DOLLY SINGH – Comic Influencer Of The Year (Female)

Ex : How did your content creation journey kick start?
Actually, in terms of content, I already had a fashion blog and a YouTube channel for that fashion blog, and it was called Spill the Saas. So, I was making content, but it was different from what I do now, which is more entertainment and comedy. A comedy thing happened when I was working with iDiva as a writer, and it just happened that we were supposed to start making videos for the platform. We all had to do that together, and some of us got a lot of attention and love from people, and that’s how I got the kick-off. I started taking it more seriously and making my own content on Instagram in line with the comedy I was doing. So, that’s how it started, and now here we are.

Ex : What is your most viral reel/short? How did the idea come, and how long did it take to shoot?
So, a few have reached millions of views, but I will share two of the most special ones because one is this deal that I made, where I have this series called “How aunties talk about sex”. After all, I wanted to talk about sex. It’s such a taboo thing in our society, and I wanted to talk about it in ways that normalise it by making it fun and exciting so people can share it. So, one of those videos from the series went viral, and a lot of people enjoyed it and shared it, which was fun to see. I was happy that, at least in the form of humour, we were talking about some important things and taking the taboo away. And the second one was either a series on Wednesday or an Indian version of the Wednesday called Budhvar, and people liked it.

Ex : Any 4 creators you want to collaborate with in the future
Jenna Mowels, Emma Chamberlain, and Mia Maples.

Ex : What piece of tech is your favourite.
I’m not a techie person, but yeah, camera.

Ex : Assuming Instagram is shutting down in 24 hours, what will you do?
I think the first response will be to have a panic attack, lots of anxiety, maybe tears, and freaking out. However, sooner or later, I’ll realize that’s how life is, and I’ll look for a way to move on. I can always make a living because I’m capable enough. So, at the end of the day, I would not be upset about it and start looking at my other options more seriously.

Ex : Do you have an industry mentor?
Santu Misra – our creative director at iDiva

Ex : Tell us about a project that you are the most proud of.
I’ve made some mini-films on Instagram, like short films of about 4-5 minutes. And there are 2 of them. I do another series on Instagram called I’m Rani. I have a big movie coming up, “Thank you for coming,” and I’m extremely excited about that.

Ex : Give us one or more hashtags describing you

Ex : What’s the first-ever trend that you hopped on?
I think when I used to do fashion blogs, I hopped on trends quite a few times.

Ex : What are the platforms you are active on – how do you decide what goes where?
Instagram and YouTube

Ex : What is your dream project?
I think a dream project for me would be something that I’ve written and am acting in or something I’m directing because that’s also something I would wanna explore at some point in life.

Ex : Advice you would like to give to budding creators.
They should take the influencer responsibility seriously because working on social media can be daunting, and you get a report card every day with every video you put out or every post you make. Also, it’s extremely important to keep your head up and not take everything people say to them on the platforms very seriously.

DIKSHA SHARMA – Impactful Influencer In South

Ex : How did your content creation journey kick start?
My content creation journey started with a very hesitant corporate girl, one day, deciding to post a picture on IG with the hashtag #FashionBlogger – all because this girl got tired of answering (for free!) all questions related to fashion and travel thrown at her. Little did I know that my work would be so well received. It’s been 5 years since, and every day is as new as day one in content creation.

Ex : What is your most viral reel/short? How did the idea come, and how long did it take to shoot?
When I was on a trip to Shimoga, I shot this one reel showing how peaceful and tranquil the place was, and it went viral, amassing millions of views.

Ex : What piece of tech is your favourite
My laptop.

Ex : Assuming Instagram is shutting down in 24 hours, what will you do?
I would feel sad because I’ve amassed a tremendous audience over the last 5-6 years, and I post all of my work here. I do have a YouTube channel for backup, although I’m primarily active on Instagram instead of other platforms. Also, any smart person in today’s age would have multiple sources of income, and I am no different. I would find an opportunity to thank all my audience and beat them a good farewell till we meet again on another platform.

Ex : Tell us about a project that you are the most proud of.
Well, not a project, but a series of projects. I was one of the first influencers; in hindsight, I was the first influencer who started travelling with followers. I created this whole Travel with Banjara series where I would take my audience along with me to different cities or different countries. I’ve made such trips to Nagaland, Meghalaya, Kerala, Bali, Bhutan, Kasol, and Khirganga, which were huge successes. And now, this has become such a huge trend, but back in 2018, when I started, nobody else was doing it.

Ex : Give us one or more hashtags describing you
#Banjara #BanjaraTravels #BanjaraStyles #TravelWithBanjara

Ex : What’s the first-ever trend that you hopped on?
If reels can be called a trend, that could be something I hopped onto; otherwise, I’m not someone who follows trends. I’m a slow creator as I believe in eternal style and fashion rather than hopping onto trends. So, I don’t easily hop onto trends.

Ex : What will the creator and scape look like in 10 years from now?
Ten years down the line, the type and quality of content that you are producing will become even more important than it is now.

Ex : What are the platforms you are active on – how do you decide what goes where?
Instagram and YouTube.

Ex : What’s the next big thing in the pipeline for you?
That is something that I will disclose on my Instagram profile pretty soon.

Ex : What is your dream project?
I don’t have a particular project in mind, but I would love to work in a luxury segment, as that is something I haven’t explored much yet.

Ex : Advice you would like to give to budding creators.
If you are interested in the field, you can only get subpar success if you wing it. Treat it like any other career – devise a plan, execute it properly and be consistent.


DIKSHA ARORA – LinkedIn Influencer Of The Year

Ex : How did your content creation journey kick start?
My content creation journey began during my LLB days. After practising law for 2 years, I transitioned to coaching communication skills and interview preparation. The pandemic led me to shift everything online. This also helped me get a global audience through different platforms.

Ex : What is your most viral reel/short? How did the idea come, and how long did it take to shoot?
The “Tell Me About Yourself” interview questions and providing effective “Salary Negotiation” tips. I came up with this idea because this is where most candidates struggle, so I wanted to share a practical approach to help them stand out.

Ex : Any 4 creators you want to collaborate with in the future
Sandeep Maheshwari, Gary Vaynerchuk, Ranveer Allahbadia, and Simon Sinek.

Ex : What piece of tech is your favourite
My microphone setup.

Ex : Assuming Instagram is shutting down in 24 hours, what will you do?
I would consider transitioning to known platforms such as YouTube and LinkedIn to ensure that my content journey continues without disruptions. I would also share a video addressing the situation and ask my audience to join me on these platforms for ongoing learning.

Ex : Do you have an industry mentor?
My industry mentor is my mother. With 35 years in teaching and being a globally recognized IELTS Coach, her guidance and legacy of knowledge have immensely shaped my path

Ex : Tell us about a project that you are the most proud of.
I’m immensely proud of the Diksha Arora App, a one-stop solution for job seekers. It offers comprehensive interview preparation, resume building, LinkedIn optimization, workshops, and more

Ex : Give us one or more hashtags describing you
#JobSuccessGuide #CareerGrowthMentor #CareerAdvancementCoach

Ex : Can you describe a BTS / blooper that happened during a shoot but didn’t make it into the final content piece?
A funny blooper occurred during a shoot when my dog unexpectedly jumped on me. While it didn’t make it to the final content, it added a light-hearted moment to the behind-the-scenes process.

Ex : What’s the first-ever trend that you hopped on?
The “10-Year Challenge” was the first trend I hopped on.

Ex : What will the creator and scape look like in 10 years from now?
The creator landscape will likely be more dynamic and diversified in a decade. Emerging platforms and evolving content formats will continue reshaping how creators connect with global audiences.

Ex : What are the platforms you are active on – how do you decide what goes where?
Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and my Diksha Arora App.

Ex : What’s the next big thing in the pipeline for you?
The next big thing in the pipeline is expanding my online courses and launching webinars to offer in-depth guidance to job seekers and career aspirants.

Ex : What is your dream project?
My dream project is collaborating with various educational institutions to incorporate career counselling and interview preparation into their curriculum. This will ensure that students are well-prepared for their careers. Moreover, I want to collaborate with maximum placement agencies to ensure all my candidates are placed in the top companies.

Ex : Advice you would like to give to budding creators.
My advice to budding creators is to stay true to your passion and consistently provide valuable content to your audience. It’s essential to keep learning and actively engage with your audience while remaining open to change as you move forward.


KAMIYA JANI – Food Influencer of the year (Female)

Ex : How did your content creation journey kick start?
I used to be a journalist and television news anchor before this. So, I was always a content creator but for a different medium. However, I quit my media job in 2017 and started documenting my travels and visits to new restaurants and publishing on Facebook. People started liking it, and the rest is history.

Ex : What is your most viral reel/short? How did the idea come, and how long did it take to shoot?
Viral content is always evolving and keeps changing, but I will share the most recent one. We usually create viral reels now with celebrities involving a food angle, which helps in higher reach. We were interviewing both Naga Chaitanya and Rahul Gandhi for our food-based shows and created this, keeping their personal food choices in mind.

Ex : What piece of tech is your favourite
Laptop. I cannot survive without one.

Ex : Assuming Instagram is shutting down in 24 hours, what will you do?
I would keep recording my videos and photos on my phone without posting them. I barely spend time on Instagram, I use it only for posting.

Ex : Do you have an industry mentor?
My co-founder and husband, Samar Verma, is my mentor. He understands the content industry like no one else and is always ahead of the curve. I often reach out to him for all the advice I want.

Ex : Tell us about a project that you are the most proud of.
I recently shot a documentary about preserving India’s culture and honouring India’s heritage. The film “Dharohar Bharat Ki” featured PM Modi’s contribution and also had his interview bytes. The film was published on JioCinema and his YouTube channel, too.

Ex : Give us one or more hashtags describing you
#CurlyTales #TravelTales

Ex : Can you describe a BTS / blooper that happened during a shoot but didn’t make it into the final content piece?
My editors have a great laugh, but there is so much of me tripping, spilling food, dirtying clothes, mispronouncing words, etc

Ex : What will the creator landscape look like in 10 years from now?
There will be social media apps as per your interests. We recently launched an app only for those interested in food and travel – CurlyTales App.

Ex : What are the platforms you are active on – how do you decide what goes where?
Every platform demands a different kind of content packaging. All content goes on all platforms, but we package it a little differently.

Ex : What’s the next big thing in the pipeline for you?
Creating travel series for Indian and international tourism boards. Interviewing celebrities in more and more candid ways.

Ex : What is your dream project?
Travelling and creating content with celebrities.

Ex : Advice you would like to give to budding creators.
Don’t quit your job for content creation.


BIR RAMGARHIA – Impactful Influencer In North

Ex : How did your content creation journey kick start?
Back in high school, I snapped a pic on my friend’s phone and posted it on Facebook, then I started customizing my profile, and by using different cameras, I spread my content to the public. The positive response motivated me to keep creating.

Ex : What is your most viral reel/short? How did the idea come, and how long did it take to shoot?
I’ve been obsessed with bike stunts like wheelies and rolling ever since I started watching films. So, in 2016, I decided to give it a shot myself and recorded a video and uploaded it on YouTube and Instagram, It blew up and went viral.

Ex : Any 4 creators you want to collaborate with in the future
Mumbiker Nikhil, Traveling Desi, Casey Neistat, and Mr. Beast

Ex : What piece of tech is your favourite
The drone is my favourite.

Ex : Assuming Instagram is shutting down in 24 hours, what will you do?
Creativity has no bounds; I will continue to create and share content on other platforms.

Ex : Do you have an industry mentor?
Particularly, I don’t have any industry mentor, but I draw inspiration from all the positive and impactful people I come across.

Ex : Tell us about a project that you are the most proud of.
The Kerala tourism project, which came through Exhibit Magazine, has indeed taken me to new heights, and that opportunity led to such great recognition and success, which makes me proud.

Ex : Give us one or more hashtags describing you

Ex : Can you describe a BTS / blooper that happened during a shoot but didn’t make it into the final content piece?
I don’t remember encountering any blooper that didn’t make it into the final content.

Ex : What’s the first-ever trend that you hopped on?
I jumped on that GTA trend for the first time, and it was insane.

Ex : What will the creator and scape look like in 10 years from now?
In the next 10 years, we will see virtual reality taking things to a whole new level, it’s going to be like living in a virtual world with revolution like never before.

Ex : What are the platforms you are active on – how do you decide what goes where?
I’m more active on YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat. I upload my content according to the platform’s time duration limit.

Ex : What’s the next big thing in the pipeline for you?
To be on the billboard is my biggest chase, so I will keep hustling, pushing my boundaries, and doing things outside the box to build a stronger online presence.

Ex : What is your dream project?
My dream project is to start my own clothing merch and become the brand.

Ex : Advice you would like to give to budding creators.
I will encourage them to be authentic and confident with the language they are comfortable with and let their true personality shine through vlogs.


CHANDNI BHABHDA – Budding Influencer Of The Year (Female), Editor’s Choice

Ex : How did your content creation journey kick start?
Only a few people know this, but my content creation journey began in 2016. However, my work went viral in 2022, and I’m grateful for that.

Ex : What is your most viral reel/short? How did the idea come, and how long did it take to shoot?
The one where I played the character of Alia Bhatt saying “Shiva-Shiva” from Brahmastra. It was a very random reel and took me merely 5 minutes.

Ex : Any 4 creators you want to collaborate with in the future.
It’s my dream to collaborate with Bhuvan Bam.

Ex : What piece of tech is your favourite?
I’m currently watching a lot of reels of iPad as I’m planning to buy one to fulfil my hobby of drawing.

Ex : Assuming Instagram is shutting down in 24 hours, what will you do?
I don’t know. Let’s not say this touchwood.

Ex : Do you have an industry mentor?
No, I don’t have, but Alia Bhatt is my inspiration.

Ex : Tell us about a project that you are the most proud of.
It’s going to be released in September, my first-ever Web Show.

Ex : Give us one or more hashtags describing you
#Chandufam describes me

Ex : Can you describe a BTS / blooper that happened during a shoot but didn’t make it into the final content piece?
I have shot more bloopers than actual reels. I keep laughing, and it’s very difficult for me to make a straight face and shoot.

Ex : What’s the first-ever trend that you hopped on?
I don’t really remember, but with all the trends, I mostly make sure that I twist it in my way and shoot it.

Ex : What are the platforms you are active on – how do you decide what goes where?
Instagram and YouTube.

Ex : What’s the next big thing in the pipeline for you?
Shhh, that’s a secret.

Ex : What is your dream project?
Sharing a screen space with Alia Bhatt.

Ex : Advice you would like to give to budding creators.
Create USPs (Unique Selling Points)


APOORVA THE.REBEL.KID – Entertaining Creator Of The Year (Female)

Ex : How did your content creation journey kick start?
I was in a very toxic and co-dependent relationship when lockdown hit, and I had no one to talk to, I had no friends, I didn’t like speaking to my parents, and my boyfriend at that time never had time for me. But I am a person who absolutely loves talking, so I talked to the camera, and I absolutely fell in love with it, and the rest is history.

Ex : What is your most viral reel/short? How did the idea come, and how long did it take to shoot?
I always had this idea in my head about a perfect wedding, and just like Geet from Jab We Met movie, “mujhe bachpan se mujhe Shaadi karne ka bada shonk hain”. So, I made a reel on it, thinking about how I would react on my wedding day.

Ex : Any 4 creators you want to collaborate with in the future.
Rida Tharana, Bhuvan Bam and CarryMinati.

Ex : What piece of tech is your favourite.
Wireless earphones because nothing beats blasting Taylor Swift music in Mumbai locals.

Ex : Assuming Instagram is shutting down in 24 hours, what will you do?
Download all my content, wait for the next big thing and then post it there. And while I try to gain an audience there, I would work a tech job.

Ex : Do you have an industry mentor?
I don’t have a mentor, but I look up to Taylor Swift.

Ex : Tell us about a project that you are the most proud of.
It’s not a project, but I did take my parents on a trip to Dubai; it was their first international trip, and it was the first time I felt proud of myself and my work.

Ex : Give us one or more hashtags describing you
#Rebel #raw #genz #bold

Ex : Can you describe a BTS / blooper that happened during a shoot but didn’t make it into the final content piece?
When I was shooting my first few videos, my parents did not know about it; I was dressed up as a boy for my video, and my mom walked in. She saw me top to bottom 5 times, rolled her eyes, and left absolutely traumatised.

Ex : What’s the first-ever trend that you hopped on?
It was a funny TikTok trend about album covers.

Ex : What will the creator landscape look like in 10 years from now?
I believe this is only the beginning of the era of social media. In the next ten years, we will see exponential growth in the number of people making content and an increase in influencer marketing budgets when it comes to brands. However, right now, there are no metrics to detect the ROI of a brand campaign and track the impact/sales made by said influencer. This will change in the coming years as brands become more familiar with social media marketing. Once that happens, only the influencers who actually “influence” will be able to make money off social media, which will be very interesting to see.

Ex : What are the platforms you are active on – how do you decide what goes where?
Instagram and YouTube.

Ex : What’s the next big thing in the pipeline for you?
It’s a capsule collection with a very cool brand.

Ex : What is your dream project?
Someone wise side, do not tell your dreams to the world till they become true. So I will manifest in silence and tell you all as soon as it is done!

Ex : Advice you would like to give to budding creators.
Be yourself if you want to do this for a long time; otherwise, it’ll be too exhausting pretending to be someone you are not and do not be afraid to cringe.

ANUNAY SOOD – Travel Influencer of the year (Male), Editor’s Choice

Ex : How did your content creation journey kick start?
I was always interested in travelling to new places and capturing my experiences. Later, I realised I was already creating content way before getting into it professionally. Travel and photography will always be an integral part of who I am as a person, and now, it is content creation.

Ex : What is your most viral reel/short? How did the idea come, and how long did it take to shoot?
The Holi reel is my most viral content yet. The idea of celebrating and recording a reel on Holi in Pushkar had always been on my mind. Pushkar is known for its Holi celebrations across India, and I wanted my audience to experience the festivities with me.

Ex : Any 4 creators you want to collaborate with in the future
1. Karl Shakur 2. Bhuvan Bam 3. Technical Guruji

Ex : What piece of tech is your favourite

Ex : Assuming Instagram is shutting down in 24 hours, what will you do?
That is not my concern since I have other businesses as well and not just Instagram to rely on.

Ex : Do you have an industry mentor?
I’m self-driven in that sense and have always motivated and pushed myself to do better.

Ex : Tell us about a project that you are the most proud of.
It is yet to come. Awaiting for more exciting opportunities.

Ex : Give us one or more hashtags describing you.
#real #authentic #traveller #adrenalinejunkie

Ex : Can you describe a BTS / blooper that happened during a shoot but didn’t make it into the final content piece?
There are endless bloopers in every shoot, and most don’t make it to the final content. It’s hard to choose one out of so many.

Ex : What’s the first-ever trend that you hopped on?
Always been creating my trends. I am a trendsetter and was the first to create fake drone shots when everybody started copying me.

Ex : What will the creator landscape look like in 10 years from now?
The creator landscape is vast at the moment. In 10 years, I believe there is going to be way more exciting content with endless creators rising the ladder. There’s lots of competition, but for sure, it’s going to exceed all of our expectations.

Ex : What are the platforms you are active on – how do you decide what goes where?
Instagram and Youtube. I post vlogs on YouTube and reels on Instagram, so it’s easy to segregate.

Ex : What’s the next big thing in the pipeline for you?
That is one big surprise for my audience. Big things are on their way soon, and it will be exciting, so stay tuned!

Ex : What is your dream project?
Dream project is to either host my travel show someday or be cast in a series on OTT.

Ex : Advice you would like to give to budding creators.
The only advice I have is for everyone to be themselves on Instagram and not follow the trends but create them so it stays exciting for the audience as well.


AMY AELA – International Stunner Of The Year

Ex : How did your content creation journey kick start?
It organically started when I started making dance videos. This led to opportunities arising in the acting world, and I realised how much I loved acting. So, I decided to move to India and pursue this creative direction. I have focused on acting, but content plays a big part. It’s something you control, which allows you to stand out and showcase your skills.

Ex : What is your most viral reel/short? How did the idea come, and how long did it take to shoot?
My most viral reel in short skits would be the Paytm loading issue. I got the idea because it happens to me all the time when I am trying to pay and that awkward moment of waiting for it to load. My other viral reel would be when I shared the item song I was in with Ranbir Kapoor.

Ex : Any 4 creators you want to collaborate with in the future.
I would like to collaborate with Lilly Singh! She’s a brilliant mind, super funny.

Ex : What piece of tech is your favourite.
My favourite piece of tech would be my AirTags! So I can find all my things!

Ex : Assuming Instagram is shutting down in 24 hours, what will you do?
For me, I suppose nothing. I’ve never kept all my eggs in one basket, so it won’t really impact me. I don’t think, as a creator or actor, you should rely heavily on any one thing.

Ex : Do you have an industry mentor?
No, I don’t – but I’d like to have one!

Ex : Tell us about a project that you are the most proud of.
My proudest project has yet to be released. It is an OTT show opposite some amazing actors in a role, which is my dream.

Ex : Give us one or more hashtags describing you.
#Doer #Resourceful #AgainstTheOdds

Ex : Can you describe a BTS / blooper that happened during a shoot but didn’t make it into the final content piece?
All the time, I have bloopers. I’m either falling or saying the wrong thing, haha.

Ex : What’s the first-ever trend that you hopped on?
I rarely do trends. But when I do… they bust up. I did the Nepalese trend last, which reached 8.5 million views on one reel.

Ex : What will the creator landscape look like in 10 years from now?
This space is constantly evolving, and creators need to as well. They cannot just be creators they need to take their popularity and use it to leverage into something else, such as a business or something that can use their expertise and image to help grow.

Ex : What are the platforms you are active on – how do you decide what goes where?
I have zero strategy with my socials! I just post what I feel.

Ex : What’s the next big thing in the pipeline for you?
My shows for OTT platforms should be released this year.

Ex : What is your dream project?
My dream project would be to do a film with an amazing script! Or a comedy show like Schitt’s Creek.

Ex : Advice you would like to give to budding creators.
Just start. Focus on the creative and less on the likes

AGASTHYA SHAH – Emerging Fashion Influencer Of The Year

Ex : How did your content creation journey kick start?
So, my content creation journey kick-started way back when I was 13 years old. I started posting keyboard covers. That was the first piece of content I ever posted. I just used to play the keyboard of the most popular songs at that point of time.

Ex : What is your most viral reel/short? How did the idea come, and how long did it take to shoot?
The last one I remember is the one on the viral AP Dhillon song “With you”. So, I just put the feelings of everybody watching the video into a reel where I was continuously scrolling through the audio. Every 2nd and 3rd reel was just that music video and how people feel if they are single; they’re crying that they are miserable. So, that reel is currently at 8.8 million views in a week. It took maybe half an hour to shoot.

Ex : Any 4 creators you want to collaborate with in the future.
Tanmay Bhat, Bhuvan Bam, Ashish Chanchlani and internationally, Mr. Beast.

Ex : What piece of tech is your favourite.
Definitely my laptop.

Ex : Do you have an industry mentor?
Yes, I do. It’s Santu Mishra. So he was the one who discovered me in 2020 when I was just at 1000 followers and kind of helped me, showed me this entire industry, how it works and was basically like a big supportive figure.

Ex : Tell us about a project that you are the most proud of.
A project I’m really proud of is the campaign I did with Boat and Netflix to launch their ANC earphones and headphones. It was a campaign where I got my first ever billboard, which is, to this day, the favourite reel I’ve ever made, the billboard reel, because I got to surprise my entire family with the billboard, just seeing their reaction, seeing how happy they are.

Ex : Give us one or more hashtags describing you.

Ex : What will the creator landscape look like in 10 years from now?
I think the creator landscape will look very different ten years from now. I think creators will have more control over the creative process when they’re working with brands because brands will soon realize that the creators know their audience the absolute best.

Ex : What are the platforms you are active on – how do you decide what goes where?
Instagram, YouTube, Threads, and Twitter.

Ex : What’s the next big thing in the pipeline for you?
The next big thing in the pipeline is working hard to create something big for myself. Right now, it’s not like a campaign or project I’m most excited about. It is building something for myself and my community, which I am currently working on. I can’t tell you too much, but yeah, just stay tuned.

Ex : What is your dream project?
My dream project will be launching my merchandise or clothing line someday.

Ex : Advice you would like to give to budding creators.
Be consistent, and don’t lose hope because this is not a game where you become successful in a month. It takes six months, eight months, a year, two years to get to a point where you can sustain this as a career. So I would say if you love doing this, if this is your passion and if you can wake up every single day with a smile on your face, no matter if you have to work a 12-hour or a 16-hour shoot day. The industry is full of ups and downs; you need to understand how to ride the wave.

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