6 Comfort Foods to Enjoy During the Rains

6 Comfort Foods to Enjoy During the Rains

comfort foods to enjoy during the rains

As the monsoon clouds roll in and the first droplets of rain kiss the parched earth, a distinct transformation occurs across India. Streets glisten with a fresh, dewy charm, the aroma of wet soil fills the air, and a sense of cosy nostalgia envelops the nation. This rainy season, let’s go on a culinary journey to discover the gourmet delights that bring comfort and joy during these wet and wonderful months.

Chai and Pakoras – The Quintessential Duo

No conversation about monsoon comfort foods in India is complete without the mention of chai and pakoras. As the rain patters against the windowpanes, there’s something inherently soothing about sipping on a steaming cup of masala chai, its rich, spicy aroma mingling with the scent of the rain. Accompanying this perfect brew are pakoras – deep-fried fritters made from an array of ingredients like onions, potatoes, spinach, and even paneer. Crisp on the outside and tender within, pakoras are best enjoyed hot, with a side of tangy mint chutney.

Chai and Pakoras

Bhutta – The Charcoal-Grilled Corn

Street vendors, their carts adorned with bright umbrellas, become harbingers of a smoky, mouth-watering delight known as bhutta, or roasted corn. This humble cob, grilled over open flames, is rubbed with a mixture of lemon, salt, and chilli powder, creating a symphony of flavours that tantalise the taste buds. The combination of sweet, charred kernels and the zesty seasoning is an unbeatable treat on a rainy day stroll.


Khichdi – The Comforting Classic

When the rain pours, and the soul craves warmth, khichdi becomes the dish of choice. A simple yet nourishing medley of rice and lentils, khichdi is often considered a healing food. Cooked to a creamy consistency and tempered with ghee, cumin, and asafoetida, this dish is both soothing and satisfying. Pair it with a dollop of homemade ghee, a side of tangy pickle, or a bowl of curd, and you have a meal that feels like a warm hug.


Samosas – The Golden Triangles

Another monsoon favourite is the samosa, those golden, pyramid-shaped pastries stuffed with spicy potatoes, peas, and sometimes minced meat. Each bite into the crisp, flaky crust reveals a burst of flavours that perfectly complement the damp, cool weather. Served with tamarind and mint chutneys, samosas are the epitome of comfort food, making them an ideal snack to enjoy with friends and family as the rain dances outside.


Aloo Tikki – The Savory Patties

Aloo Tikki, or spiced potato patty, is a beloved street food that transforms into a gourmet delight during the monsoon. These crisp, golden patties are made from mashed potatoes mixed with spices and shallow-fried to perfection. Often served with chole (spiced chickpeas) and a medley of chutneys, aloo tikkis provide a burst of flavours and textures that are both comforting and exhilarating.

Aloo Tikki

Jalebi – The Sweet Spirals

We turn to the sinfully sweet jalebi to conclude our monsoon gourmet journey. These spiralled, deep-fried sweets, soaked in saffron syrup, are a feast for the senses. The contrast of the crisp exterior and the syrupy interior makes jalebi a popular treat, especially during rainy evenings. Paired with a cup of hot milk or rabri, this dessert is the perfect way to end a cosy, rainy day.


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