Defence Electronics: What it is & How India is Using it

Defence Electronics: What it is & How India is Using it

defence electronics

The day engineers built a diode and transistor in the 1940s, it was known that the world would change drastically post the second World War. And, it happened too. We entered the world of electronics, and today, it has its outreach in every sector and domain. We were progressing to modernize the world, but we also developed new developments in non-state actors. Hence, to protect our frontiers, we started working towards defence electronics. You name it, and you will find that almost every piece of defence equipment has electronic instruments installed in it. Let’s discuss more on this domain with this edition of the Exhibit blog. 

What is defence electronics?

In simplest terms, it uses and misuses the electromagnetic spectrum (like radio & microwaves). Hence, there is a need for deep knowledge and insights related to the electromagnetic spectrum. From the world wars, you have heard about radar systems. We have recently discussed drones where you can find those concrete reasons that make them quite undetectable. Defence electronics evolved with the advent of remote-controlled explosives, GPS, UAVs, etc. And, once electro-optical instruments came into the markets, you have seen the upgradation in terms of ammunition (check movies that have showcased laser guns for precision targeting). 

Indian Defence

India is one of the biggest pillars globally that is making hefty investments in military upgradation, which you can observe from the SIPRI report and Global Firepower Index. According to NASSCOM, India’s Aerospace and Defence industry will have a market cap of 70-72 USD (almost 5.15 lac Crores INR). And, such potential can come only with the integration of electronics with defence. 

Is India using Defence Electronics currently?

I want to modify this dialogue, “Don’t underestimate the power of a common man” to “Don’t underestimate the power of India at all.” Sitting at the pinnacle of research and development in defense, DRDO has a separate division named Defence Electronics Application Laboratory (DEAL) that has made many innovations in this field, including Combat Net Radio and Data Link System – Nishant UAV. All these equipment have their niche in battlefield surveillance and reconnaissance, real-time engagement, and battlefield damage assessment. 

Final Remarks

India is heading towards defence electronics faster and will showcase its deterrence and resilience in the future. However, suppose India wants to stand as a major power. In that case, it needs to integrate nuclear defence with electronics and then use it smartly every time on the negotiations table. For other defence related articles, follow this link. 

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