The world order has changed, forever. Things will never be the same again, at least for a long time. Those hugs and kisses, those tight handshakes, and international flights. Video meetings, virtual concerts, sanitizers, facemasks and the biggest of all LOCKDOWN which was never thought of or written about. History Repeats itself, from Spanish flu of 1919 to COVID-19 of 2019, one century ago where it unleashed havoc and took away millions of lives around the world. Meanwhile, the Ebola virus came into existence and Swine flu tested us, but our vaccine dropped faster without them earning the destructive tag of a ‘Pandemic’. Today we are sophisticated, technologically advanced but still fighting the same battle and we don’t know who and what we are fighting. Superpowers like the USA, medically advanced countries like Italy and the whole world is stuck together and fighting together without knowing what is coming next.
COVID-19 has got the pollution levels down, accidental deaths down, psychology levels down and along with it took the world economy to shambles. Is it a Bio War or an Experiment gone wrong? Or is it nature’s way of balancing? Whatever it is, it is dangerous and uncertain. So much uncertain that for next issue, whether I will be writing this piece with a percentage of the world population wiped out or rejoicing on the newfound vaccine or picking up pieces of the post COVID era is uncertain. The hardcore optimistic are bewildered at which way things will unfold, all leaders everywhere putting up brave faces and doing their best knowing deep inside that the enemy is hidden and is firing canons through droplets, like a rogue alchemist converting human beings to ticking time bombs ready to explode on each other.
Saving the economy is secondary and human lives are primary. Billionaires, millionaires and everyone in every way are generously donating and doing their best to fight the Coronavirus, and we are all equally vulnerable and at stake is the entire civilization. Staying home has become heroic, work from home is the new normal, and technology is the saviour. Imagine 1919, when the pandemic of Spanish Flu broke, no internet, no Netflix, no broadcasting news, no video call apps, no Zoom or Houseparty or WhatsApp which are all the fabric responsible for keeping us sane and connected now.
They survived, we will too and come out stronger and develop immunity against the flu and most of the materialistic things which this world has to offer. When everything is over, people will realize that life is unpredictable and living your life and making the most of it while you can go outdoors is called living. Rest is a mystery.