How To Secure Your Digital Currency

The popularity and surge in prices of digital or cryptocurrencies in the last decade have made it more susceptible to malicious attacks and hacks. The economics of hacking suggests that cybercriminals would gravitate towards cryptos since they are increasing in value and becoming more relevant. 

When your cryptocurrency account is hacked, it becomes a big challenge for you since these coins are not regulated by the government or central bank, leaving the investor’s discourse legally unviable. According to ‘Anti-Money Laundering (AML)’ reports from the blockchain security firm CipherTrace, cryptocurrency crimes hit over $4.5 billion worldwide in 2019. The numbers have only exaggerated since. 

Most of these threats come through cryptocurrency wallets or digital wallets, but let us first understand what these wallets exactly are. 

Crypto Wallets

No, the crypto wallets do not store your digital coins; instead, they store your private keys and allow you to send, receive, and spend cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Crypto wallets keep your private keys – the passwords that give you access to your digital currencies. 

Unlike a regular wallet that holds cash, a crypto wallet does not hold cryptocurrencies. The cryptos live on the blockchain and can be accessed only by the key present in the wallet. If you lose your private keys, you lose access to your money. Yes, there you have your answers; this is why securing your wallet is so important.

How do you use a crypto wallet?

Crypto wallets can range from just a simple-to-use app to a complex security solution. There are two types of blockchain wallets based on private keys- hot wallet and cold wallet. Hot wallets are user-friendly wallets that we carry for day-to-day transactions, whereas cold wallets are like vaults that store cryptocurrencies with a high level of security. These can be further broken down into paper wallets, software wallets, and hardware wallets. 

Let’s understand how crypto wallets work with a simple example. For Mark’s 23rd birthday, Frado wants to send him some money. Mark has a cryptocurrency wallet app on his phone, and he gives Fardo his public address. Following that, Frado sends one Bitcoin to the public address. Once the transaction is authenticated on the blockchain, Mark becomes the owner of the Bitcoin. Later, Mark wants to book a flight, and fortunately, his travel agent accepts the payment in bitcoin. He directs the precise amount from his crypto wallet to the travel agent and receives the ticket in return. 

How to secure your cryptocurrency?

Cybercriminals use sophisticated techniques to compromise digital wallets and steal assets without the user’s knowledge. Here are some of the ways to secure your cryptocurrency. 

Take a Hybrid Approach

More physical or offline wallets should be used for storing the majority of the cryptocurrency, and only a bit should be stored in the online wallet. The physical wallets should be stored securely, such as in a deposit box. The private and the public keys should be separated and secured with strong passwords and multiple authentications. 

Work with Reputable Wallets, Brokerages, and Apps

Before selecting the investment platform, investors should clearly and carefully understand the platform’s security features and how their data will be protected. The platform you choose should incorporate best security practices such as requiring multifactor authentication, SSL/TLS encryption, and air-gapped devices. Whether you use one or more than one platforms, it is important to maintain a secure password manager to ensure that the password is not lost. 

Be Aware

The cybersecurity provided to your wallet is only as good as your understanding of it. A crypto wallet is a piece of data and code that holds a great value for you and others. Cyberattacks are staged to establish a foothold first and expand before attacking your wallet. You need to be aware of the processes of how it is used in transactions so your networks are not compromised. 

Avoid Sharing the Key

The secret key is used to validate whether the person sending or receiving the digital coins is the owner of the wallet being used. The secret or private key should never be shared and should be stored using cold storage. You should physically print out your key and remove all digital traces of it. The reason is, that attackers can hack into your devices or digital storage applications, so it is unsafe to keep a digital copy of your key.

Say No To Providers

 Different providers host wallets on their servers. This is the worst choice you can make because you allow them to store your private key on their servers, which they can access anytime. This is common since it requires the least technical knowledge and effort. Instead, you can use a hardware wallet, which is a USB-based device that encrypts and stores your private key and other information. 

What is Digital Currency? and types of Digital Currencies

Since the arrival of Web 2.0, we have witnessed many changes in human lifestyle, especially the ones that directly relate to the internet. Whether from static pages to dynamic web pages, social media advancement from mails to apps or from cash-driven society to electronic money transactions. Digital currency, or digital money, is a new fad that is driving people crazy and the hype it has created since its inception is absolutely unbelievable.

What is Digital Currency?

The word anatomy certainly belongs to the science that studies the structure of the body, but it goes along quite well when someone is describing digital currency. The human body consists mainly of water and organic compounds, while digital currency or digital money is any form of money, currency, money-like asset or payment that is primarily managed, stored or exchanged in electronic form, especially over the internet.

Digital currencies or electronic currencies are known for making secure, transparent and trusted payments that exist only in a virtual format and are not tangible. They are mainly divided into two territories – centralised currencies and decentralised currencies. Now, you should know one thing upfront – centralised currencies are regulated and need licenses to operate, while decentralised currencies are complicated to regulate.

The money you have in your bank accounts is called electronic money. It does not fall in the category of digital currency because you can take your bank stored money out in cash form anytime you want, just by visiting the banks or ATMs. However, you can’t do such acts in the case of digital money as it never takes physical form, unlike currencies with printed banknotes or minted coins, which makes it exchangeable only via digital pars.

Types of Digital Currencies


Almost everyone on this planet earth is aware of cryptocurrency due to its popularity over the last few years. It is a type of digital currency designed to work as a medium of exchange through a computer network that does not rely on any central authority, making it supremely rebellious. Cryptocurrencies are categorised into DeFi, NFT, utility tokens, and store of value tokens like Ethereum, Bitcoin and Litecoin.

Cryptocurrency uses encryption to verify transactions, and it is a digital currency with the actual value and worth, though it keeps fluctuating and volatile. It doesn’t belong to any specific nation and isn’t integrated with any one country’s economy. The first-ever cryptocurrency was Bitcoin, founded in 2009, and even today, it is a widely accepted and one of the most highly valued cryptocurrencies in the world.

Virtual Currency

Virtual currency is a type of digital currency which is not issued or controlled by a central bank. Also, in some cases, it acts as a substitute for real currency (only when it has an equivalent value), and then it is referred to as “convertible” virtual currency. They are further categorised by currency flow and classified as closed virtual currencies and convertible virtual currencies.

Central Bank Digital Currency or CBDC

Central Bank Digital Currency or CBDC is a type of digital currency issued by a central bank. The idea of Central Bank Digital Currency came from cryptocurrencies, but in reality, it differs from cryptocurrencies. The significant difference between these two is centralisation, where instead of putting money, the central bank issues electronic coins and accounts. The government backs all these coins and accounts, making the currency a fully trusted digital currency.

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