The Backbone One gaming controller has finally landed in India, marking its arrival nearly nine months after the second-generation model debuted globally. Designed for both Android and iOS devices, this versatile controller offers seamless connectivity options, including USB Type-C and Apple’s Lightning technology. Packed with features like analogue triggers, precision thumbsticks, and a dedicated gameplay capture button, the Backbone One transforms your smartphone into a portable gaming powerhouse. With support for PlayStation Remote Play, Xbox Remote Play, and Steam Link, users can dive into their favourite console or PC games on the go.
Pricing and Variants
The Backbone One is available in India at a starting price of ₹7,769* for the Lightning model, catering to older iPhones. The USB Type-C variant, compatible with newer iPhones and Android devices, is priced at ₹12,499*. The controller is available in two sleek designs: a classic Black version and a PlayStation Edition crafted in collaboration with the PlayStation team. Both options are exclusively available on Amazon India.
Features and Specifications
This controller is designed to deliver a premium gaming experience, regardless of your platform. The Lightning model is ideal for legacy iPhone users, while USB Type-C compatibility caters to Android users and the latest iPhone 16 lineup. Both variants come equipped with a 3.5mm headphone jack for an immersive audio experience.
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The Backbone One’s hardware includes responsive analogue triggers, precision-engineered thumbsticks, and a tactile D-pad for superior control. Its magnetic adapter system ensures compatibility with most phone cases, making it convenient for gamers on the move. With low-latency performance and the ability to charge your phone while gaming, this controller ensures uninterrupted play. The instant gameplay capture button adds to the appeal, letting users record their epic moments effortlessly.
Whether it’s Call of Duty: Mobile, Genshin Impact, or Diablo Immortal, the Backbone One supports a wide range of popular mobile titles. Additionally, it unlocks remote streaming from PlayStation, Xbox, and PC, offering unparalleled gaming versatility for enthusiasts.